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Yanks.com (0)

exotics4me (0) 04-08-17  11:54pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - A long running site that offers good (mostly) amateur masturbation pictures and videos.
- Good TBP/PU discounted price, especially if you haven't been a member for awhile or even ever.
- Navigation is good, but can be a bit wonky at times, my main problem is the picture near the top of the main page, it scrolls when I try to scroll the website.
- Good technical quality, newer videos have 1080p option and photo sets are downloadable in zips, the XL photo sets are 3000 long end.
- Well above-average DL speeds, about 80-85% of my max download speed (on porn sites).
- Updates daily, most days have multiple updates.
- Maybe the strongest pro is the models, for the most part, seem to be real amateurs who bring themselves to orgasm.
- This could be a con for some, there's also some "bonus" content from ATK Exotics, ATK Girlfriends, ATK Hairy and Wet and Puffy.
- One of personal preference, most of the models dress in normal, everyday clothes to start the sets.
Cons: - Watch me not win over any fans with this one. I really don't like ATK Hairy. I understand there are men and women who like seeing hairy women, but the underarm hair is just too much. One can look over at some of my old ATK reviews where I also complained about the Hairy content.
- Nitpicking here much like Raging Buddhist's recent comment, I don't like the interview videos. Seriously, why would I care what an adult model says about the adult video industry?
- One that all sites using amateur models runs into, a lot of the models are shy. That's a con for me, but could be a pro for others.
Bottom Line: I last joined Yanks way back in 2011. I did enjoy the content back then, but I thought the site lacked a certain personality I like a site to have. I compared Yanks to I Feel Myself back then and still think they're similar. The "personality" I look for is the opposite of shy. The transition from dressed to fully nude is still lacking in the majority of the videos. Most I have watched start nude and end ... well, nude. That's just a personal preference and lets have some understanding here, I've reviewed and been a member of over 200 sites. At this point, there are just things that annoy me. I'll even explain the clothed to nude preference. It lets me see what the model would look like if I saw her in person at the store.

One place this site scores high with me is its picture sets. Which continues my clothed to nude preference. The vast majority of their photo sets do start clothed and end nude with flash/teasing in-between. I enjoy these photo sets as much as the videos.

I put a con on the Hairy sets. It looks like Yanks also has their own Hairy models. Believe it or not, burn me at the stake for it, but those turn my stomach. I've told it before, I shave my head, I hate most body hair and have been this way for most of my life. But, a little neatly trimmed bush is fine, see my all-time favorite model Eve Angel. We're not talking about bush though. We're talking hairier armpits than mine. And those models are right there in the updates with no way for me to remove them from my view.

Most of that complaining isn't that bad. I like Yanks and am glad I returned. They have a lot of models I really like. Was glad to see a little heavier model like Jennavive Marie. There's some older models too. And all in all, the masturbation and orgasms are about as real as you're going to see in internet porn.

Navigation is good. They even have the bonus content from the other sites in drop-down boxes so you can easily switch from Yanks content to whichever bonus site you like. There's another side too. Straight male masturbation site called Club Stroke. Which I think is an underused concept on porn sites these days. My wife likes porn too so she can check those out. I've always wondered why more sites don't try this gender mix format. Download speeds are very good across the sites.

There's a lot of content, by my count:
2,120 videos
1,353 photo sets
Those are just the Yanks only numbers and don't include the bonus content from the other sites.

Here's the problem and it's what Raging Buddhist commented on, those video numbers include interviews, playing around videos and what I would consider non-porn videos. Which is why the navigation is considered just good. There's no way to remove the videos you're not interested in. A quick fix? Put a masturbation tag on all of the masturbation videos and add a new option in the videos drop-down box that is just masturbation to filter those out or in, depending on your perspective.

Still, the content is good and the photo sets are very good. Sometimes photos can convey teasing better than video since it captures the model before she stops teasing.

The overall technical quality is very good for a site with this type of content. As far back as I've looked, 2011 or so, has at least a 720p option on the videos. And if I were to complain anymore it would just be to say they seem to be worried more about their overall video numbers than they need to be. This is a fairly underpopulated niche in 2017 porn world. No offense is meant to the models who tell their stories or talk about the politics of the porn industry, but to put it mildly, it's just not interesting. Some of the greatest solo girl websites have used interviews and behind the scenes with some effectiveness, the ALS sites come to mind and Twistys old content when Shap was still around. It's not a big negative to me. It's just once I get caught up on the content I've missed since 2011, it will probably be awhile before I come back. Though, I don't think I'll wait 6 years again.

I'm giving the site a boost from my 2011 score since this type of content isn't easy to come by. And I'll continue to stress how important the pictures are to my score. It's a very good site to me or at least to anyone like me who hasn't been here in awhile. There's even some girl-girl content in there too, but I've mostly burnt out on girl-girl. I believe if they incorporated some type of tagging system to separate the non-porn videos from the masturbation videos, I'd add a few more points to the score. The biggest point reduction right now is there are a percentage, 20% or less, of models I don't like at all. I could see this site scoring a 90 or higher if a few things were fixed. I would recommend it for a monthly join. Especially if you like photos. I've looked over dozens of the photo sets and liked everyone of them.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


Yanks (0)
Hey Thanks for taking the time to review us! It was a good read, very detailed.

I think most of your cons seem to be personal preference with the exception of a couple, so no debating the cons based in personal preference. I am with you on the super hairy girls, not really my deal either. Shooting in the Pacific Northwest gives us the benefit of having a number of first time girls or only time girls, but does get us quite a bit more pubic hair. Oh well, I will take the true amateur over that, but I totally understand your position. I have started asking a few of the models we re-shoot to trim up for the next one, some are ok with it, some get a bit offended. For me, I just ask them to show our viewers another look they can have. I will continue to do that.

Interviews are also a personal preference. Over the last 15 years, I have had hundreds of people write about how much they love them and many that don’t. The pro interview crowd has always been more numerous, so they remain. They are especially popular with our female members as they create a more emotional connection. I understand though.

The scrolling you are seeing on the top banner is because that image is parallax and we haven’t quite mastered what we are going to do with it. The scrolling is natural, but not optimal as of today. Many sites run an advertisement up there, which makes sense, but I am not sure the first thing I want our members to see is an advertisement. We may just put something up there that directs the members to a particularly good video or something.

In regards to this.

“There's no way to remove the videos you're not interested in. A quick fix? Put a masturbation tag on all of the masturbation videos and add a new option in the videos drop-down box that is just masturbation to filter those out or in, depending on your perspective.”

We do have a tag that accomplishes this. It is named “Yanks Featured Video” search for that tag and it will nix all of the interviews and bonus clips and only see masturbation videos in order they appear. I will consider changing the name and possibly adding the functionality you mentioned. There are pros and cons to doing that. Navigation is such a bitch sometimes. 

Thanks again for the review and we hope to see you back again soon!

Also, you should also check out the VR version at some point as well. It is a different world and we have some really fun stuff there!

All the best!

04-10-17  06:52am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - Yanks :

My apology on the part about having no way to remove the interviews. I'll be sure to use that feature from now on.

Truthfully, I used to really like interview videos, but as I mentioned, ALS sites, a few of the ATK sites too, they were good. I think I just got burnt out on them similar to how I'm not getting much out of girl/girl content these days even though it used to be my favorite genre.

I'm going to add a couple points for the filter option.

04-11-17  12:04am

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Yanks (0)
REPLY TO #2 - exotics4me :

No need to apologize. If it wasn't clear it wasn't useful to you. Thanks for the extra points!

Have a great week!

04-11-17  12:11am

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