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pat362 (0) 04-24-17  07:09pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Content is exclusive and they update with one new video each week.
+The videos can be streamed online(see cons).
+The videos can be downloaded in the MP4, MPG and WMV format with 480p being the lowest possible resolution but to get 1080P or 4K than you only the superior MP4 format.
+They have created photosets for each video which can be downloaded as a single zip file.(resolution is 1500x100)
+They managed to get the first anal of some performers.
+Their selection of models is top notch including most of the most popular new performers.
+You can download multiple videos at the same time but (see cons).
Cons: -Download speeds for videos with resolutions above 720p are quite slow(about 530KB/sec) which means that download time can be as long as 2hrs. Needless to say download of 4K videos is well above 2 hours. Of course downloading multiple videos at the same time will greatly increase download time for each video.
-I can't emphasize just how aggressive and also quite annoying they are with their cross-sell options(see bottom line).
-Site is still pretty small with less than 50 videos.
-Some of the models appear twice on the site.
-Most of the videos are in a POV format so that limits the possible shots.
-There is a lot of chocking sounds during the BJ part of the videos.
-Good luck trying to stream videos because it takes forever for the video to upload in their player and you can skip ahead until the video has uploaded beyond your skip to position.
Bottom Line: *I had high hope for this site because it's an anal themed site(something I really like) and they hire the most popular performers in the industry. Now if only they didn't manage to screw those two things up than we might have had a great site but as it stands it's not remotely close to being that. Let's begin with what I think is probably one of the most annoying thing I have seen and heard in video. They have a loud 10 seconds promo video for their other Holed videos at the beginning of each of their videos. I could see why you might want to do that if you were leasing your content to other sites but which member wants to see advertisement for other videos he already has access to and probably will download and watch later on?

*Then there is the cross-sell page when you first join the site, then the cross-sell banners at the top of the main page and the third party cross-sell at the bottom of each page. Let us not forget the various enticement to join their other sites that are the bottom of each page when you select a performers videos and they show you all the other videos you don't have access to.

*The one good thing they have going for them is that their choice of models is excellent but they don't seem to know what their shooting style should be so instead of being all similarily shot videos with a recurring anal theme what you get instead are anal videos where more often than not it's a sort of POV style video but other times it's s light BSDM, another it's sort of coy girl wants to try anal sex. Normally sites pick a style and stick with it but not these guys.

**The simple fact is that all of the performers who appear on this site wind up doing anal for other sites(including their sister sites) and their anal scenes are in my opinion better on those sites than they are on this site so unless you want the first on screen anal of a particular performer than you might want to skip this site. if you want to reward them for their hard work than check out some of their other sites where the content is actually better**

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) It's rare that you and I disagree on a site but this is one of those times. Holed is probably in my top 5 favourite sites these days. I had joined Passion HD a while back and was then offered and annual subscription that included access to a few other sites and Holed was one of them so I jumped at the chance. It may be that I see the site as better since it is part of a network for me.

You did justify all your concerns and made this a great review for someone considering joining.

04-30-17  04:11pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I think it's a great deal that you can get a Platinum membership for an extra 70$ above your existing membership and that will give you access to 10 plus sites but you only find out about that deal once you have already joined Holed and if you have joined any of the other sites than the deal gets less and less appealing.

I also think that it's great that they hire some really hot models but their shooting style leaves a lot to be desired. In fact many of their other sites have significantly better content that Holed and I can't believe that the loud obnoxious 10 second advertising promo at the beginning of each of their videos doesn't annoy the shit out of you.

Do you truly believe that Holed is as good as you claim if you look at it as a stand alone site?

04-30-17  07:14pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

I wouldn't join Holed for an annual membership alone but I joined it first as a stand-alone site and still really liked it. It was only later when I joined Passion HD that I had the offer that bundled in Holed and several other sites I really like such as Tiny 4K, My Very First Time and Lubed. So I will admit that the value is in the bundled annual membership.

The opening doesn't bother me at all, in fact, I sort of like it.

05-01-17  01:36pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

For me it's not just that 10 seconds loud promo clip but the entire music filled sort of solo stuff that annoys me. It's so different from the rest of the video that it feels sort of added on as opposed to being a well thought out idea. That said I do like some of their other sites but not enough to dish out an extra 70$ US to get access. Even less so now that the exchange rate is pretty bad between the US dollar and Canada.
05-01-17  06:40pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #4 - pat362 :

I hear you. I took the annual offer when the CDN dollar was in better shape.

I've been rethinking the whole intro thing and I have to confess that I find those really annoying on just about every other site that uses them. But for some reason I like the Holed intro. I suspect it has nothing to do with the 'quality' or unobtrusiveness of it (because it doesn't really have either) and more to do with the fact that it has young petite models sticking things in their bums in a rapid succession of clips. I'm male, and I guess I respond to those things! :-)

05-02-17  05:54pm

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