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Have you ever tried an escort service?

Type: General

Submitted by Amanda (0)
I do it on the regular. 13% 2 Votes
Never. 63% 10 Votes
Tried it only once. 13% 2 Votes
No, but I want to. 6% 1 Votes
Other (see reply) 6% 1 Votes

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16 Votes Total

May 3, 2017

Poll Replies (6)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) No and I plan to never use one. The last thing I want to think about before I have sex with someone is how many people before me has she had sex with on that day.
05-04-17  10:39am

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ljohn41 (Suspended) I have a few times but have been disappointed. Don't plan to again.
05-04-17  08:47pm

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rearadmiral (0) This will likely meet with some disapproval, but I’d call myself a semi-regular user of escort services. I’m fortunate enough that I find myself in Toronto fairly regularly and Toronto has to be one of the best places in the world for this. I don’t have any experience other than Toronto (except one in Ottawa but it was with a company I use in Toronto) but if there are better places then I may have to go there.

I’ve done this maybe 15 to 20 times over the past 10 years and with the exception of twice when the session was merely good the rest have been exceptional. I’m not kidding when I say that one more than one occasion I’d rate the overall experience on a scale of one to ten as a fifteen. The women who work for the two agencies I use in Toronto are incredibly beautiful and are really decent people too. I have never had even the remotest doubt that these women are sex workers by their own choosing.

An advantage that Toronto has over some American cities is that while prostitution is technically illegal in Canada it really isn't. While police may target street level prostitution there is no issue with escort services. Or at least the reputable ones that I use. I might be wary of a service that advertises fresh Thai women just off the plane…

Bottom line – stunningly beautiful women, safe locations, amazing sex, reasonable cost. I’d go broke if I lived in Toronto!

05-05-17  03:30am

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Monahan (0) Would you stick your dick into a used condom? Would you stick your dick into an escorts pussy?
05-06-17  12:47pm

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

I say good on ya, rearadmiral. I wish I had the confidence to give it a try. It's a new age, and I believe you when you give testimony to the overall goodness of the experience. I'd NEVER be with a "bargain-basement" type person, I don't care how horny I was, or how loaded I was (pun intended).

I had an "almost" with a beautiful lady in Nevada with whom I had a brief but pleasant email exchange. I searched around and around, and finally picked her because of her stunning beauty and her apparent intelligence and charm. I almost worked up the nerve to seal the deal until she told me the charge for an overnight, with the whole shebang. I told her I wanted an evening with a woman, not just a body for relieving tension. It was far too steep for me, but I almost did it anyway.

05-06-17  09:02pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - WeeWillyWinky :

Needless to say, there aren't too many of my friends who know about my 'hobby' in Toronto but a few do. None of them judge me for it and two of them want all the details I can muster. And while this is always intended as a brag, I close every story with 'when's the last time you had sex with a stunningly beautiful woman less than half your age'? I should point out that I'm 50 so there is nothing illegal going on.

If you ever find yourself in Toronto you should indulge. I note that you and I are similar in age and remember, you're only as old as the woman you feel!

Dammit... I have to find a reason to go to Toronto again soon...

05-07-17  12:58pm

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