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Ersties (0)

jook (0) 05-04-17  09:13am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: • Epoch and CCBill are the credit card processors which translates to no problem
• No dl limit
• Exclusive content
• Secure site, uses https
• Unrehearsed
• Amateurs
• 2 streaming options, high and low definition
• HQ DL option – 720 and mp4’s (early videos are lesser quality)
• HQ photos
• Pages have informative write-ups about models, not the usual baloney
• Very nice and playful design which generally works well from a technical and visual standpoint
• Ability to add to favorites or like which enables you to track models
• No pre-checked cross-sells
Cons: • Inability to view all content by individual model in one place
• Videos not dated, unable to determine update schedule though I’m guessing there’s 1 update weekly
• Only 1 DL option (though not a bad thing for me as 720 is just right for my needs)
• Photo sets not available for download, or at least I could not figure out how to do that
• Descriptions of early sets are in German
• A handful of broken links – error message indicates copyright issues
• Many videos do not have subtitles; at least one had subtitles in German
• No PU discount
Bottom Line: I almost dismissed Ersties as a girl’s site. However, I came to realize it’s much more than a romantic semi-hardcore (and softcore) site geared for a predominantly female audience, although it does meet that criteria. Many of the scenes are downright hot and erotic. The “players” (that term seems more appropriate than “actors,”) are amateurs (not amateurish!) and seem to be enjoying themselves. However, if you’re looking for serious hardcore including anal or gonzo or various fetishes, Ersties isn’t for you.

Erst is German for one. I’m assuming the name of the site is a takeoff on first-time models. It is a German site run by a woman (Paulita Pappel) and manned [ahem] mostly by women. It features mostly German and other European amateur models and couples in unrehearsed sex. However, I did notice a few American sets. The models are mostly natural, pretty or ordinary next-door girl types. However, there are at least 3 models that are obese and probably not a turn on to too many people.

The site is made up of real people having fun, not actors doing stuff they don’t particularly like. The clear majority of the content – interviews and videos – seems completely unrehearsed including the occasional orgasm. There is nothing over the top, at least that I noticed, like threesomes or anal or other such hardcore. There are several orgy videos, but they’re about the tamest such scenes I’ve seen. And they have an almost believable plot! Most videos are solo, some containing only nudity. The rest are lesbian or couple. The earlier sets are mostly solo. I did an estimate of the types of videos based on a sampling, not all that scientific:

• Solo (masturbation or just nudity) – 65%
• Girl/Girl – 30%
• Girl/Boy and other – 5%

Navigation is weird, but not bad weird, just different. After a while, I grew to appreciate it. The best way to access content is through the “Updates” section. This option includes all the videos and photo sets on the site. To get to each of the 925+ sets, you click on a photo in the “Update” section and you are taken to a page with the model(s) relevant videos and pictures. In general, a set consists of a photo set (ranging from a handful of photos to up to 50) and videos. The videos include an interview video of the model or couple. It seems there’s one interview for each model or couple. The interviews are generally biographical and various sexual subjects are discussed. Unlike other sites, the interviews are not standardized or formulaic. Occasionally, the interview is the only video included in the set, which is strange. However, there are usually 1 to 3 (generally 2) more videos which contain solo (softcore or hardcore) or couple content.

Or you can go to the “All Models” option and scroll through the models. However, there’s a serious flaw in this section. While models may (and generally do) have more than one set, they are listed separately for each set in the “All Models” section. For example, if you want to see all of Rebecca’s videos, they’re not located in one place and you need to access them separately. The models are not listed in any order that I could discern, like alphabetical. However, you can use the search function to look for a specific model.

There is an option called “English” which I don’t quite understand. It’s laid out like the “All Models” section yet there are significantly less sets included. One can only conclude that these are English models, duh. However, it makes no sense to segregate only English.

There is a search function under the “All Models” and “English” options, though it seems limited to searching by model name or video title. Strangely, there is no search option in the “Updates” section.

There is also a cams section (labeled as new) and you can buy tokens on the site. The cost is about 10 cents a minute. It looked interesting if you’re into that sort of thing. I didn’t investigate.

Finally, there is an interesting section (labeled as new), “La Petite Mort.” As per Urban Dictionary, “The little death is translation from the French "la petite mort,” a popular reference for a sexual orgasm. The term has been broadly expanded to include specific instances of blacking out after orgasm and other supposed spiritual releases that come with orgasm.” When you click on the “La Petite..” option, you are taken to a page of 9 photo sets (6 photos each) of gorgeous women. There is also a video that can be downloaded in HQ and is up to 10 minutes in length. The videos depict the woman masturbating and having an orgasm, very hot. I’ll go out on a limb and assume this section will be updating since it is new.

Doing the math, not counting interview videos, there are probably close to 2000 videos of action. That’s calculated by multiplying 915+ sets by an average of 2 action videos and including the videos in the “Le Petite Mort” section. They all average about 15 minutes in length.

Continued in comments.

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jook (0) Commentary continued

Streaming includes 2 options, high and low definition. I find that having a low definition choice is a great option since I generally stream just to get a preview. It’s less time consuming then loading the stream in HD.

To give you an idea of the playfulness of the site, the first set centers around a parody of the TV show, “Blind Date,” or more specifically, “Blind Date Goes Ersties Porn Version.” Included in the set, in addition to a parody of the game, is an interview conducted by head honcho Paulita Pappel with one of the models centering on the blind date theme. Strangely, this video is in English with German subtitles. (Some of the videos are in German with no subtitiles.) Also in the set is a video of a parody of the game show. Lastly, there’s another video of the chosen couple having sex.

Solo scenes don’t necessarily include masturbation – one called “Lap dance” simply shows a nude model breathing heavily and moaning while sort of dancing. The audio is stated to be binaural, a special audio technique like 3D. I did not test this with ear plugs and had no desire to do so. Others may find that the audio makes a big difference.

I found many of the interviews tedious and boring. On the plus side, they’re realistic, candid, cover a range of topics and sometimes funny. One model is asked the very original question about her favorite position. The response was hilarious: “Just lying down.” But really, I don’t need an exhaustive biographical interview for each model. I guess that’s why the fast forward button was created.

The site is a refreshing change from the usual in most every respect. Hopefully, San Fernando and other sites will take a cue from Ersties. Despite some flaws, I highly recommend the site for those that like this niche, more like a cross between softcore and hardcore with models (not actors!) and a crew who seem to be enjoying themselves. I am generally not such an abundance of solos and lesbians as well as softer hardcore, but I enjoyed Ersties very much. The site deserves to be praised for their innovation.

Membership options (no PU discount offered):
$29.95 monthly, recurring at $35.00
$35.00 1-month membership non-recurring
$45.00 3-month membership [best deal]
$84.00 6-month membership
$132.00 12-month membership

05-04-17  09:13am

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Amanda (0) Very thorough review, jook! Awesome job!
05-05-17  06:58am

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jook (0) REPLY TO #2 - Amanda :

Aw, thanks.
05-05-17  08:05am

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rearadmiral (0) This is an excellent review! Based on your comments I went to the site tour and like what I saw. It really isn't my kind of porn but it is a site I'll consider thanks to your review.
05-05-17  08:12am

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jook (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

Many thanks.
I thought the same as you about the content not being up my alley and it basically isn't. I think our taste is similar. But I kept watching cuz it was so different in the respect that it was fun and playful, not to mention hot for what it is. My suggestion is to wait a bit until PU twists their arm and gets a PU discount. -)

05-05-17  08:51am

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