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Visit Cathy\'s Craving

Cathy's Craving (0)

fiou (0) 05-14-17  07:50am
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I understand that rebuilding a website is long and hard. But you find out only after you joined. Duh. Hard to navigate. Lots of material still not available. Wait a few more months. I was a member 3 months ago. Joined again yesterday and they still have a long way to go in the revamping phase.

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pat362 (0) I'm not sure where you saw the info regarding a rebuilding of Cathy's site because as far as I know it pretty much stopped updating with new content a few years ago and is mostly re-releasing older video as new stuff. At least that's what I saw in 2013 and nothing I saw when I visited her site recently makes me think that it's any different.
05-15-17  05:28pm

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fiou (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Because you have to join first. This is 2017, not 2013.

Welcome to our NEW Members Area.

During the changeover from the old area to this new one there will be some disruptions but we are endeavouring to keep them to a minimum.

Due to an issue which caused most of our current updates to be deleted from the old Members Area we are changing over a few days earlier than planned. As a result of this a few sections and features have not yet been fully uploaded but will be over the next couple of days.

We apologise that this NEW Members Area is not as complete as we wanted it to be at this time.

Please bear with us while we make this switch and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause you.

Cathy & Peter

You think I invented the whole thing? Just join, then we'll talk.

05-17-17  06:03am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - fiou :

Thanks for replying. I see why you said they are updating her site. Can you tell me if she has actually kept on updating with new content in the last four years because it's impossible to tell when you visit her site.

One thing appears clear when you visit her and site and it's that they haven't added anything to the site since February.

05-17-17  10:25am

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fiou (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Yes they did
05-19-17  08:36am

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