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Visit TS Seduction

TS Seduction (0)

marcdc1 (0) 05-16-17  02:24pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Includes access to 24 sites each with it's own focus - including a second TS site (I also reviewed that one)
- Updates once/week (pattern is every Tuesday)
- over 550 videos with a catalog years deep
- Good scene descriptions and user comments. You can get a good idea of if you'll like a shoot or not before loading it.
- Video looks great at 1280X720 4.1 mb/s. Videos typically run about an hour
- Lots of different cross kinks for example: "mommy" play/public/domination/humiliation/multiple partners
Cons: - Organization is terrible for such a marquee site. You can filter by amount of pubic hair - but can't filter searches once they've been run. A feature other big site have had for years. With so much content I'm having a really hard time finding things that I know are here.
- Shoot have some stills that you can preview before loaded the video - but no downloads.
- photo zips have been added back - but when I was last a member they didn't reapply that for the whole back catalog
- Rather pricy - but this may be one of those time that you get what you pay for.
- Cross sells on the member side plus a "buy kink gear" adverts seems unnecessary given the high membership fee. But there is NO BETTER for these niches quality than kink sites.
Bottom Line: Important note: This is not my fetish, so in all candor I've only explored enough to write a competent review. I hope you find it useful.

With a large catalog and president updates I think this site is a firm buy if this is your kink. I went with a rather high score because I think this is a rather hard to find niche and people who are looking for it will appreciate the hard work kink.com puts in.

Shoots are long (about 45 minutes of action). And varied I'm constantly amazed at the imagination of the "writers".

Kink brings together top talent (on all it's other sites; I'm assuming the same is true here - sorry I don't know much about TS models) and great production value. If you can handle the high price you'll be very happy.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


spank1 (0) i agree and have some issues of how it's all organized...they do have various ways to search out models you would like to see no matter what category they are shooting for (foot, fisting, ts)

it is fast...being able to click ahead in the video is important way to get thru the vids and find what you are looking for

they definitely don't seem to have the breath of updates like in the past, but it is huge for first timers...the yearly 100 buck subscription fee if you can find it is the way to go. typically around 4th of july??

01-25-19  08:13am

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spank1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - spank1 :

clarifying my updates comment....they do in these various categories like tsseduction, tspussyhunters and many others like fuckmachines update every two weeks with a videos with up 30 plus categories it is a shit load of updates.

i probably log in about once a month sometimes 2? for my 100 bucks a year.

01-25-19  09:31am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - spank1 :

That is a great point about price - thanks for making it. I'm still a member and paying less than that on a cancellation offer.

I'd say I find a great scene every 1-2 weeks. For what I'm paying that a great deal.

01-25-19  11:03am

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spank1 (0) REPLY TO #3 - marcdc1 :

i joined the first time when they were super expensive and just switching over to the current format where you didn't have to pay additionally for stuff...was cancelled for while and they hit me with the 100 yearly offer

so you are paying less than 100 per year? i guess i have been in for two going into third year in july

i figure anything 100 year or under is great deal....if i can get 10-12 whacks i am ahead.

they had a few fisting videos i was able to download and i swear it was my-go-to when i was having issues (worth at least 25whacks in two year period)

anything keeping me off chat site and i am winning :)

01-25-19  01:27pm

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