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Visit Bad Daddy POV

Bad Daddy POV (0)

rearadmiral (0) 05-26-17  04:25am
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - 20 videos
- Updates with one new scene per week
- Mainstream porn with a little kink
- Supports download managers
Cons: - Scenes start streaming automatically
- Deceptive tour pages
- Expensive for what’s currently offered
- No TBP discount
Bottom Line: Recently there have been several new sites available that feature porn in the step-father / step-daughter niche. Among those are Daughter Swap and Dad Crush, both of which are great sites. Add to this list Bad Daddy POV.

The site only started back in January so it’s still pretty small with only 20 videos currently uploaded. The good news is that it is growing, albeit slowly, with one new scene being added weekly. (A mark against the site is that the tour page is set up to make it look like there are a lot more videos than there actually are. With 15 videos on the first page and four pages you’d think that there could be up to 60 videos. Clicking on any other page on the tour brings you to the join page. But there are only 20 videos as of this review.)

The scenes are similar to what you’d find on most other sites in this niche. The step-dad and step-daughter find themselves home alone and some scenario is concocted to get them in a compromising position. If you’re a porn writer you can come up with dozens of short plots and you’ll find those here. The most common plot here seems to be that the daughter wants something (money, car, etc.) and barters with Daddy for it. After that most scenes turn into a normal hardcore scene.

This is an entirely subjective opinion, but it seems to me that this niche is best done by using models who are younger, as in 18-22 or at least look younger by being petite. Part of this is because this niche usually relies on some power imbalance to drive the plot and the heat. If you agree with me on this, then some of the models on this site aren't a great fit. Are they beautiful? Definitely. But Romi Rain is 29 and it’s hard for the viewer to see her as a step-daughter to someone only 10 years her senior. Likewise with models like Jessa Rhodes. She is obviously beautiful but I think the fact that she has a seriously augmented chest detracts from the viewer seeing her as a naïve step-daughter.

I’m not generally a fan of any POV scenes so I may be a bit biased, but the POV camerawork here isn't as good as it is on some other sites. I found that when the action really gets going the camera can become a bit too shaky.

The scenes are all available in three resolutions, all of which are in MP4 format. They are 854x480 (3000 kb/s), 1280x720 (5000 kb/s) and 1929x1080 (8000 kb/s). Most of the scenes are quite short by typical standards with the average length being around 12 minutes. There are several scenes that are under 10 minutes but that also means that most members can download the 1080p scenes since the file size isn't huge given the scene length.

The site is logically laid out and simple to use, but on a site this small that’s what you’d expect. There are tags on the scenes for some of the more common porn searches but there is no specific search function. But given that this is relatively standard porn that’s not really an issue: you’ll find oral and vaginal sex and not anything kinkier than that. (Apparently step-daughters don’t do anal with their step-fathers…)

Screencaps are available but only as singles. It’s fair to say, however, that this is a video site and not a photo site.

The site supports download managers and I found download speeds at what I see at most porn sites, which is to say it’s good. I didn’t encounter any links timing out or hit a download limit but given that there are only 20 scenes and the file sizes are reasonable I wouldn’t have expected any issues like that.

A minor quibble is that when you open a page for a scene it starts streaming automatically. I really wish sites would stop doing that.

I wouldn’t ordinarily do this, but while I like this site there are better choices out there for anyone interested in this niche. You can get a better value with Dad Crush which has more scenes and has an introductory price that’s half what Bad Daddy POV charges. If you agree with my opinion above that this niche requires models with a certain look then Dad Crush is also the better choice. My personal favourite in (sort of) this niche is Daughter Swap. But it isn't strictly step-father / step-daughter porn. Instead, there are two father/daughter couples where the fathers swap their daughter to the other guy.

I’m really on the fence as to whether I can recommend this site or not. The porn is generally good and site is well thought-out and easy to use. If you really like this niche (or really like POV) then this site may be worth a look. But at the full price of $30 USD for a small site it might be best waiting until the site grows a bit more, lowers the price to reflect the site size before joining or offers a TBP discount. Or you can follow one of my above recommendations and join a competing site until things improve at Bad Daddy.

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