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marcdc1 (0) 07-17-17  05:24am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: *****Review from the perspective of straight man***** I've only browsed this part of the network long enough to provide a competent review. For that reason I marked a 1 month membership despite being a member of the network for about 6 months.

- Guy/Guy fight than get it on. Fun idea. Seems like a unique take on gay porn.
- Updates about once a month
- Fun idea winner gets to have his way with the loser
- Good preview policy you can see 5 previews a day.
- Over 260 shoots
- Some group play; but it's not the focus
- I know kink uses top of the line fetish models in their other sites. I'm giving them credit for also selecting well here.
- High quality 1280X720 4.1 mb/s
- zip downloads for photos
Cons: - Slow update schedule
- Cross sells inside the membership side
- Poor organization. You have to know either the model or the date to find anything.
- I couldn't understand how scoring was conducted
- concept can get old fast. Not a lot of novelty to explore (imo)
- If you were hoping for multiple partners there's not much of that. Maybe one out of four (if that high).
Bottom Line: Since I've been reviewing the rest of kink.com I wanted to included this site for completeness. This isn't my niche but I thought a review might be useful for those interested. I've tried to be as objective as possible.

Interesting site. If this kind of porn appealed to me I think I would like this site. It's well shot and sound is also good. The "contestants" all have athletic bodies and in the post interviews they describe enjoying the experience.

I would rate this as a buy. Despite the slow update schedule there's a big back catalog and enough models to find something you like.

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