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marcdc1 (0) 09-18-17  02:13pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: ***** Note I'm a straight man trying to give an objective review to a site included with the kink.com network. I did not reduce their score just because it's a gay porn site.*******
- Includes access to 24 sites each with it's own focus. (8 gay sites)
- Over 500 videos
- Video looks great at 1280X720 4.1 mb/s. Videos typically run about an hour 5 mbps - great production value.
- Great production value. Lighting/sound/talent is all top notch.
- Exclusive content.
- Robust community. Pretty much every shoot has a lengthy set of comments. You can really get a good sense of the content from the comment sheet.
- Every guy looks like he has a dedicated gym routine. I guess that's why the title is "gods"
- Weekly updates
- .zip files of screenshots available
Cons: - Organization is horrible. You can filter by the amount of circumcised or uncircumcised hair - but can't filter searches.
- Rather pricey - but this may be one of those times that you get what you pay for.
- Little model diversity. Most are straight out of central casting.
- With a top-notch site like kink, there really aren't too many downsides.
Bottom Line: Again I'm doing this from the perspective of a straight man. I didn't watch many videos just dipped in and out so I could give a fair review. I've reviewed almost the entire network at kink.com so I feel I can give an accurate assessment of this site as well; even though I'm not the target audience.

Kink has high standards for production so there's never a bad scene on their other sites they higher top-notch talent, so I assume the same is true here at Bound Gods.

The site delivers on what it promises ripped dudes tied and hardcore action. If that's what you're looking for there are plenty of shoots for you to explore here.

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