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Visit Asses In Public

Asses In Public (0)

marcdc1 (0) 02-13-18  02:14pm
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Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Membership includes access to all Brazzers network (30 sites). Across the whole network is over 1,000 models & videos.
- Clean search. Keyword searching along with a search bar. Lots of sub-topics to pick up on.
- action break down you can cut right to the positions/stuff you like
- 1080p 1.8 mb/s
- Some content gems (but not enough to overcome the lack of catalogue - see below)
- The mobile site works well on my iPhone.
- Great content with Britney Stevens, Kelly Devine, Tricia Oaks and Luscious Lopez)
- scenes generally run 30 minutes
- all content is exclusive
Cons: - 14 scenes as of February 13, 2018
- The last update was in 2008
- Typical porn valley look. Make-up tends to be heavy. "Big Tits" means nearly all the models are surgically enhanced.
- Picture sets are large (a couple of 100 pics in each set) they are mostly screenshots of the action in the video.
- Cross-sells at sign up
Bottom Line: I like public flashing content and I think this site could have really grown into a powerhouse. Unfortunately with only 14 videos there just isn't enough here to warrant a buy rating.

I love the fact that it seems like they interact with regular folks (unlike Kink, which is a long time favorite for me, where everyone gives you the feeling that they're an extra).

The only thing holding this site back is the fact that they killed it. If you see a favorite here you might want to pick up a subscription to the network. But in no way are 14 videos worth a full membership price.

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Review Replies (4)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


exotics4me (0) That's one of the old hidden gem sites. I checked my folder just to see and I actually have 74 videos from Asses In Public. I remember they had to remove a bunch of them. When it was running full-speed, I honestly thought it would end up being one of the greatest porn sites.
02-13-18  09:53pm

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exotics4me (0) Forgot to say, there's also an European version on Cum Louder called, Latin Asses in Public. Cum Louder has changed a lot and it's kind of hard to find but it's under "sites" in the preview. They seemed to knock off nearly every popular niche site from Bang Bros and Brazzers.
02-13-18  09:59pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) Is the site still updating? Is it alive and well?
05-25-20  06:33pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Homegirl :

I'm no longer a member so I can't be sure.

Back when I was a member they had been several years without an update. Which is too bad it was a fun site - good for something different.

If you're into exhibitionism I would recommend itscleolive.com. I just did a review. I know some people don't like solo model site (I actually prefer them). I'm no expert in digital forensics - but to me it looks real (and not just using a green screen like some places do.)

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

05-26-20  11:02am

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