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rearadmiral (0) 02-28-18  03:03pm
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Centrobill Update

I’ve had problems with the GGG biller in the past and I’m currently having problems cancelling now. I started the cancellation process about six days ago and still haven’t been successful.

The good news is that Centrobill now has a webpage instead of having to email them using to a dead account. You can select the membership and there is an option to select ‘cancel.’ I did that and got the message that someone would respond to my request. I also got a confirmation email. A couple of days later I received an email from them that provided me with my username and password. That wasn’t what I had asked for.

I went through the same process again and I also opened a ticket requesting cancellation.

Today I received another email from them offering me an additional month at no cost. All I had to do was respond to the email with ‘Yes.’ I didn’t respond.

I have no idea whether or not the account will actually be cancelled or not. I used a pre-paid card so I’m at no risk but wanted to see if Centrobill had improved.

But… this story has a twist to it. First, of all the complaints I’ve read here and elsewhere about Centrobill they seem to come from memberships at GGG or an affiliated site. I recently joined three sites that bill through Centrobill (GGG, Bruce and Morgan and Jay’s POV - .net, not .com). I also cancelled the other two memberships and both seemed easy to cancel. I also got a confirmation from each site that the membership was cancelled. PU reviewer “jook’ reports that he had no problem cancelling at Bruce and Morgan either.

So while I’m not ready to throw my support behind Centrobill just yet, it does seem that the issue may be partly or fully GGG and affiliates.

This does seem odd though. Why would a biller offer two different kinds of service?

Site owner: Hi. I’d like to sign up Centrobill to be the biller for my new adult site please.

Centrobill: Excellent choice! Are you looking for our “Treat Customers Fairly Plan” or would you prefer our “Fuck Customers Over Plan”?

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Msg # User Message Date


Angry (0) Hi,

am having troubles with them too. Ive canceld so many times via email and their site yet they are kep trying to bill me. My card it blocked but they are keep trying to bill me anyway.

Please let me know how did You solved Your situation

03-04-18  04:46am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - Angry :

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was on vacation and had no internet access. I was eventually able to get them to cancel the account. Once they emailed me I was able to keep replying to that email.

One strange thing - and this may help you - is that the emails that finally worked weren't to or from Centrobill but a company called Westbill. The email address was support at westbill dot com. Try that and see if you have any success.

And welcome to Pornusers!

03-13-18  01:44pm

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