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Fetish Network (0)

skippy (0) 03-04-18  10:00pm
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Don't. Just Don't.

Two things.

First, the site has stopped creating new material for most of the old sites and created a few new ones that are even lamer than the old ones.

Second, cancelling is even more difficult than before. There is a cancel page, but all it does is offer you a discount and does not confirm you have been cancelled. THe only clickable option on the page is to continue your membership. They are now using a "service" from Segpay called Segpay gateway. If you call, email or chat with Segpay, they insist that they have no record. I had all of the billing information right in front of me and he still said he had no record. (Really sucks on their part....I guess I'll never use Segpay again). The ONLY way to cancel is through the web site. I have seen a lot of crappy billers before, but this one, supported and condoned by an otherwise decent biller, is the worst. After 10 minutes chatting with a guy at Segpay, he basically said that the only thing I can do is contact the webmaster at Fetish Network. Wow. That's incredible.

So all of the folks here telling you about cancellation issues are absolutely correct. Cancelling at Fetish Network is a pain much more real than any of the simulated fetish crap they post.

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Msg # User Message Date


cyz12321 (0) Hi I'm swamp by this site either. There is no phone number to contact and they never responded email cancellation request. Is there a good way to cancel it other than calling the credit card company and dispute the charge?
Thank you!

06-04-18  09:19am

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Amanda (0) REPLY TO #1 - cyz12321 :

Hi Cyz12321. Thanks for the comments. When did you send them an email? Many users I have spoken to have told me that it can up to a week to get to get a response to their request.
06-05-18  07:07am

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