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Visit Open Life

Open Life (0)

standard (0) 04-17-18  04:34am
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Some HD videos
- Photos available occasionally
- Download managers work
- A few big names
Cons: - No longer updating
- Errors when you go to view some photos.
- Lots of BTS/Interview filler clips.
- One of the more disappointing networks you'll find.
Bottom Line: A very disappointing network. It has lots of big names and apparently owns the rights to their literal names to use for the websites, but they're no longer updating anything and quite of the content at the named sites is old, borderline unwatchable because the resolution is worse than a tube site, or just boring. It's not a bait and switch, but it's sort of like getting a bag of fake Legos. Yes, they sometimes stick together, and some might even stack with the real stuff, but they're disappointing and noticeably deficient.

Here's something fun to get a feel for the site:

Click to visit the site. Arrange the videos by date so that you see the most recent first, the initial video is a behind the scenes clip. A lovely curly haired brunette in a sexy catsuit. Awesome. Until you realize that it has no corresponding non-BTS video available for viewing.

Worse? It's from 2015. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say the network isn't updating, and hasn't updated, for nearly three years.

There are 100 pages of videos, and each page has 15 clips. So there are quite a few videos available.

Strange navigation and designation choices. For example, a video from ashleyfires.com will be listed as from Openlife.com, while a video from sunnyleaone.com will be listed as such. Not a big deal, but fairly indicative of what to expect from the site. Other little things pop up, too. You'll find a video offered from tealconrad.com, but tealconrad.com isn't one of the sites available in your dropdown list.

Others are things like clicking a video and getting: "Page not found - The page you requested has been moved, deleted or does not exist. Please choose a section in the menu to navigate through the website."

There's no way to know how many clips are offered in hi definition, but around halfway through the pages I was finding 360p and HD clips next to one another.

There are 60+ pages of 20 photo sets available, which is nice. Maybe. If they're actually there.

Apparently there used to be more sites. Or more sites were planned. Who knows. There are brunob.com clips listed that give "not found" error messages when you click on them.

Comically, choosing "Upcoming Videos" really sums the site up. Here's the error:

"No Results!"

Bottom line? Avoid.

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Review Replies (1)

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Msg # User Message Date


Kody (0) "It's not a bait and switch, but it's sort of like getting a bag of fake Legos."

Haha, that's a great way of putting it! I immediately understood what you meant.

04-18-18  08:32am

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