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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

mike55q (0) 04-23-18  06:23am
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Three days after I cancelled my membership they sold my email and unique password to spammers, who started filling my inbox with crap.

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Jade1 (0) 1st how can they sell the password to your email? Why would they have that in the first place? A password isn't needed to send you an email. Use your head.

It may not be TMW, it could be the payment processor. And it may not even be them (intentionally). Databases get hacked all the time.

I'm not saying you joining a porn site has nothing to do with you receiving spam. But the site itself is not necessarily the culprit.

04-23-18  06:33am

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mike55q (0) REPLY TO #1 - Jade1 :

The emails I receive refer to the unique password I used to join the site, not my email password.

It didn't start until I cancelled; they sold it.

Use your head.

04-23-18  07:48am

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Jade1 (0) REPLY TO #2 - mike55q :

You don't know that. I know of a number of sites accused of that, one of which I feel confident was not selling emails, and the only thing they had in common was the biller (Epoch).

But, as I said, it's common for databases to be hacked and emails/passwords/hashes/CC/etc taken.

Anyway, it's spam. You'll live.

04-23-18  08:15am

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Stas RC (0)
We are working in adult industry for more than 15 years,
I'm assure you were never working with spammers and selling any personal info to anybody.
Can you please contact our customer support - please send the suspicious email you've received, we will investigate this situation immediately.
Also you will get a free 1-year subscription for your inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation.

04-26-18  09:55am

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mike55q (0) REPLY TO #4 - Stas RC :

This is the only way I can contact you, since my membership has expired. I sent you an example of the spam I got that was addressed to the unique password I created for your site, and received no reply from you. I also did not receive an extended membership, which was not requested by me, but offered by you.

Perhaps you have been very busy?

PS to Jade1, who is obviously a shill for the industry, don't bother to get involved in this again, you just aren't bright enough.

05-08-18  05:57pm

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Amanda (0) REPLY TO #5 - mike55q :

Hi mike55g. Teen Mega World also has a support site you can use here: https://support.royal-cs.com/hc/en-us

Perhaps that will help.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to chime in here the chain of messages. We understand that differences of opinion can occur from time to time, but one of the wonderful things about our community is its dedication to keeping an open, friendly and peaceful environment to discuss all things porn. I hope we all can do our part to keep it that way.

05-09-18  05:33am

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mike55q (0) REPLY TO #4 - Stas RC :

Right. I sent copies of the emails to you and heard nothing. The spam emails eventually slowed down, but there was nothing in it for me, as you offered.
06-10-18  05:59am

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