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BoyWithaProblem (0) 09-01-18  10:34am
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: An up-close, well imaged exploration of middle to older aged women's vaginas.

Excellently lit with close-up detail in high quality (1280 x 720, 5000Kbps, about 600-700Mb for 16mins average scene).

We see facial expressions whilst they are opened up.

Middle to older aged models have natural curves and real-world body shapes

Forum for interaction with creators.

Epoch/PayPal billing and no pre-checked boxes for easy signup.

Decent preview shot of every scene (but not the video).
Cons: No anal attention or pissing. Likewise breasts receive little attention.

No story/script.

East European so no dialogue.

No sex with the male but that's more of an obsevation than a criticism as this is somewhat voyeuristic.

Some models will be too old for most tastes.
Bottom Line: I think this is a little gem of a site. Not huge (73 scenes at last count), but high quality and inexpensive. If you've ever wondered what a middle or older aged women's cunt looked like, look no further. These East European ladies show us everything, and mostly they look pretty good. Depending on your age, some may look like your mother or even grandmother, this is a niche not all will like all of and some may like not like any of. Scenes gernerally progress to masturbatory orgasm. Whilst some ladies are frankly a bit too old/worse for wear, many others look great, and like real women not pornstars. Stretchmarks and fat, not silicone. And something younger viewers may not remember called pubic hair.

Not much deviation from the theme here, the lady quickly strips and lets a younger clothed man help with the exploration of her cunt. He pulls her open with fingers, nice prolongued stretching here clearly filmed, leading to fingering/gaping. Dildo and speculum may well follow along with masturbation from either model or male.

This site is related to Exclusiveclub and Spermhospital etc so shares their older models. Discounts are often availiable via the forum www.exclusiveclub.com/forum

Overall, this site reminds us that sex does not stop at 30. Lack of English probably limits it a bit, I feel that with a story/script it could be taken to another level. The fact the males remain clothed throughout makes this site accidentally CMNF, but in the absence of any story this is not exploited. This is cavity exploration porn without partner penetration and whilst that may be a requirement imposed by some older/ more reticent (first-time?) models, it could equally become a CMNF reality storyline.

If college girls are all you want to see in porn, then pass this one by. But if you think 40-60 year olds still have beauty down there, check this site out

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