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Fitting Room (0)

exotics4me (0) 09-11-18  05:14am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The first site I've known of that covers the "dressing room" fetish.
- The quality is very high, maybe the highest I've seen as an overall site but there's a con about this too.
- Some well-known models like Lil' Caprice but there are a few models here that I've never heard of and you'll see the big con but these particular "new" models to me were worth joining for.
- You're going to get three main fetishes here: Dressing Room, panties and a combination of tease/explicit masturbation that is kind of rare these days.
- Very good download speeds, thanks to my cable company, hitting 80% of my new 400M internet connection.
- One day this will be part of a network and it will be worth joining that network for.
- CCBill is the biller and they tried a cross sale for Sex Art.
- If you like the models and the fetishes, I think it's a good price for this site.
- Updates twice a week
Cons: - The site is small. As of today, 9/11/2018, they have 58 videos, 58 photo sets and 30 "extras" photo sets that look to be fairly genuine in being true self-shot photos.
- I would like to see them do more with the dressing room fetish. At times it feels like I could be watching a common solo video of a model without even noticing the setting.
- The lost fetish, bottom line will explain.
Bottom Line: I don't know if it's an age thing or if maybe it's more of a more recent trend (thanks, smartphones) but I have this strange, unusual fetish of women undressing in dressing rooms and doing more to themselves while in there. I say strange even though I think it's much more common these days. I have dated a few women recently who liked sending pictures from the dressing room. You know the way that goes, "Do you like this outfit? Is this cute on me? Am I too old to be wearing this?" Then 376 pictures later, "How about this?" And the clothes magically disappeared.

Maybe that's the appeal of this site to me, the tease lasts about half of the video (20-25 minutes long scenes). You know you're getting old when a woman is sending you pictures and you're replying, "I'm getting hungry! And no, not in a sexual way!"

This site is in one way, very basic. The navigation is very simple and works as it should. The technical quality is the best I've seen when it comes to 100% of the content having these specs:
The videos are downloadable in 3 sizes, 4K, 1080p and 720p. I still don't have a 4K monitor so I can't say how crisp or clear those are but the 720p are very crisp and clear to me.
The pictures are downloadable and start with the model dressed, some of the outfits are very pretty, almost like it's what the model chose to wear or like they have a wardrobe specialist. The pictures are nearly 6000 long end.

The site is almost painfully exclusive feeling. What I mean by that, it's like they have very serious standards for their models. They have 58 scenes (videos and photos) but only 20 models. Which is good if you're like me and found a few you hadn't seen before, most have multiple shoots and outfits. At this point, it looks like this site should be rated very high unless removing points for the small size of it.

But ... why make a niche site that is untouched for the most part and make production mistakes that all but ruin the niche? First video I watched, the model teases, she's stripping, good site for those into panties, she starts masturbating and starts moaning loudly and groaning and squealing. A woman wouldn't masturbate in a store dressing room and moan and groan loudly! It's like writing a classic novel only to forget to proofread it.

That moaning is annoying enough but the scenes are dead silent. This isn't really a dressing room, is it? It's a box on the set? Where's the soft background music we would hear in stores? What about people randomly talking? This niche has a ton of potential but hearing a model's heels echo in a hollow room isn't part of the potential. That's sad to me.

I once watched an amateur that recorded herself masturbating in a dressing room. She was nearly biting her lip off to stop from moaning but someone bumped the door or went in the dressing room beside her and it aroused her, so a small moan slipped out. There's the potential. Something that makes this content look like it's a horny woman but not porn. Maybe I'm asking too much but anything to make scenes more than just basic masturbation scenes that are shot in the same room. I love to use my imagination when viewing porn but these production errors do make it almost too hard to imagine.

What saves them, besides the technical quality, are the models. I downloaded the content of 17 of the 20 models. Even found one model I'm not familiar with that I am going to have to look for, Apolonia Lapiedra, anyone that knows of more content of her let me know. She's engagement ring level.

I will also give them credit for not fudging the model's ages. Not that I know their ages but as mentioned, Lil' Caprice is here and instead of like most sites, she's not listed as 19, she's listed as 29. The youngest model on the site is 22, the oldest is 31. There is anal, vaginal masturbation but no sex, not even girl-girl. It's a girl and her toy in a box. Jill-in-the-box? Joking aside, I like this site for a one month join. They are updating twice a week but given that the videos are not that long, you will download most everything you want in a week (max). It's a very good, solo, panties, tease, masturbation site but every scene is in the box so I can't get the dressing room part out of my head.

I would recommend it for those who stand outside a dressing room and see a pretty woman walk in and start ignoring their wife asking them to get her a bigger size. If you're into "she would be that loud in public" (not your wife) then you'll love the content. I think panty fetishists also would enjoy this site. The scenes have roughly 10 minutes of tease at the beginning (formulaic?). For me the models made the site above average but that's really as far as I can go. Check the models out before joining and decide from there. Last, I did a similar of review of Fitness Rooms, with similar "problems" of the content just not being believable enough but it doesn't look like the sites are related.

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tangub (0) A bit of a coincidence seeing a review of this site here today as I came across a few of their photo galleries posted on a forum a few days ago so visited the site to check out the tour as I'd never heard of this site before. I came to the conclusion it was a newish site with not much content yet so probably not quite worth the money so pleased to read a comprehensive review from our most trusted PU member confirming my thoughts. It's definitely a site I've earmarked for a future join though when it's had time to grow a bit.
09-11-18  07:53am

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rearadmiral (0) This is a really interesting site. I had no idea this niche existed, but then again I could probably describe a few of my own interests and have people scratching their heads. Or calling for a psychiatrist.

I noticed that the tagline on the second tour pages is 'the best anal masturbation.' Apart from the fact that I suspect very few women actually masturbate that way is there a lot of anal penetration with fingers and/or toys.

I haven't subscribed to the site so I shouldn't question your judgment, but $15 for a membership doesn't seem bad at all, even given the current small size of the site.

09-11-18  01:54pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Their anal masturbation isn't that common, about 20% of the scenes and several are just the model masturbating with a butt plug in. I thought one of the Caprice scenes was one of the best. It included her doing a very light, one finger, anal masturbation towards the end of it. It is quite erotic. I think I kind of turned away from her content years ago because she was on every site I was on and thought her older content was kind of dull. She seems to have grown up a lot. I didn't even know she does anal content. And Abella Danger has a scene, I think she always does anal and does on here with a dildo. One of the scenes, I don't remember the model's name, maybe Lorena G the 31 year old model. She's up in the chair with a knee on each arm of the chair and using a dildo anally. The masturbation on the site is very good, overall. You get the feeling of real orgasms with most of the models and some are very intense (in speed), others are more erotic and move their bodies with the motion of the toy or fingers. There's nothing extreme on it, though. There was a couple of squirt videos that went more into the real or believable squirts where the creamy fluid squirts out maybe 6 inches.

I think a fetish thread would be interesting on the forum. I'm sure we've had them before to some extent but because my fetishes are very much influencing my site joins these days, it might be interesting to share some of mine and even how I developed them.

09-12-18  01:08am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

Thanks tangub, my fetishes have been influencing the sites I join. Panties was never a top fetish of mine but I do have the one of women sliding their panties over to masturbate and this site does that a lot. The panty content is a lot like the older Euro sites and I think the ages of the models (little older than regular teen porn) has them being more erotic with the way they tease. I originally thought it might be the same company that runs Fitness Rooms and thought maybe one day they would combine them but they don't seem to be related. After going through the content, I'll surprise myself by saying I think Caprice's scenes are the best I've seen of her and the best on the site. I stopped collecting her content several years ago because everything I watched of her was the same. She's matured a lot, is over being "cute" and she really does a good job at being erotic (eye contact, body language). For the best value, I would wait about 6 months, they'll be up to over 100 scenes by then.
09-12-18  01:16am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Hey RA, I responded once but the post monster ate it, so if a double reply shows up, you'll know why.

The anal masturbation on here is different than what I'm used to. A couple of the models go all out with a dildo, anally. Including one that puts a knee on each arm of the chair with her butt facing the camera. The best, to me, of the scenes with anal is one of Caprice's. She has four scenes on here, 3 include some kind of anal. The best one, she slowly fingers her butt with one finger, great eye contact in it, I'm not used to seeing what I would call "erotic anal fingering" but she pulls it off. Overall, about 20% of the scenes have anal in them. Abella Danger has a scene on here and as expected she goes all out with the dildo, anally. Probably half of the "anal" scenes are models masturbating with a butt plug in. I think the other two of Caprice are butt plug scenes. The most "extreme" they go is a couple of those real squirt scenes. By real squirt, I mean the model gets very wet and creamy and a little of it squirts out maybe 6 inches.

I didn't think too much about the price, my fetishes are driving my site joins these days. I was dating a female psychologist who I've known for 20 years. She says my fetishes are the oddest she's ever seen because "They're so normal". We have a lot of talks about how we develop our fetishes and she thinks it's funny that my fetishes are what she calls, "kind of cute, kind of sweet, kind of perverted". The public nudity one for example, my second wife was a natural exhibitionist. She was from South America. I couldn't keep her clothes on her. It did nothing for me. If anything, it made me frustrated. The "natural" part is what matters. She believed when at our house, in our backyard (fenced), in the small pool, she should be naked. Didn't matter if company came by. She would walk by them naked and get a towel to put around her. But she never was into "risky" which is where my public nudity fetish starts. I think a fetish thread would be good in the forum. I'm sure we have had some but at least with me, it would explain my choices in current sites.

09-12-18  01:32am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - exotics4me :

Thanks for making the effort to reply (twice)!

'Anal masturbation' or not this site probably isn't for me. I've joined a few solo sites in the past but kept only a small amount of what I had downloaded. It just doesn't do anything for me. (Take a site like FTV Girls, for example. I joined that regularly but only downloaded the public nudity stuff. Once the scene went indoors for insertions and masturbation I lost interest. Unfortunately it looks like circumstances have forced a change at FTV Girls and public nudity is probably not going to happen in the future.)

Dating a psychologist and talking about fetishes... Hmmmm... I don't think I'd be that brave!

09-13-18  05:35pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

Uh-oh, what happened at FTV? My account ran out 3 months ago, I had just setup to get their year-long special and in my head at least, I was convinced if they're still shooting like they always did that I was seriously considering making them my first 100. I used to talk to their webmaster but haven't heard from in awhile.

The good part with the psychologist dating, I met her, as a mentor to her. She was 18 when I first met her, I was 23-24. I typically have to find something odd to have in common with women since so few understand my past and at least in America, some are intimidated or timid about my past (prior to psychology, growing up around gangs in Los Angeles, lots of deaths including brother and more than 20 friends.) If I get the chance this weekend, I'll post a thread about fetishes. Khan used to always ask me to do those Q&A with a member and/or to open up more about myself. I used to talk to him a lot in emails and he always believed members would open up more if one of the longtime members started it. Now, I'm at the point in my life that I don't worry too much about who might see it or might realize who I am.

09-13-18  08:29pm

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