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Visit Brutal POV

Brutal POV (0)

skippy (0) 01-30-19  06:53pm
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Site is part of Fetish Network.....use caution.

This site is one of the many BDSM sites in the Fetish Network and joining this site gives you access to the other sites in the network. I wrote a review of FN back in Februrary of 2017 that is still valid. FN has some OK stuff, but they do really dumb things like make it hard to cancel (cancel page makes a discount offer but doesn't actually let you cancel. You have to contact them for that.) and sign you up to other sites without consent. I just joined BrutalPOV and, true to form, I was charged $1 for something else even though I unchecked all of the cross-checks. Turns out they automatically sign you up for a site called fetishclub.com, which is a bunch of old psuedo-fetish videos in various categories. I ended up writing support to cancel both subscrtiptions so I won't have to screw around with this later. I just don't understand why these people screw over their subscribers like this. If you join this site, watch for other sign-ups and cancel them right away.

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malikstarks (0) Thanks for the heads up. I'm honestly suprised they are still around with all the iterations theyv'e gone through. I was mildly interested a few years back until I saw how few sites were updating for the price (and a small catalog to begin with).

It seems they discard customers like they discard sites.

02-02-19  09:05pm

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Toadsith (0) Thanks for the warning! I was actually looking into subscribing to this site (recently acquired an Oculus Go) — now it's moving lower on the list. Auto signups should be illegal.
02-08-19  11:41pm

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