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Visit PJ Girls

PJ Girls (0)

mbaya (0) 03-03-19  10:47am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Bills through CCBill
-Updates every other day for videos as well as for photo sets.Great for a niche site.
-Nice mix of ages and body sizes. Teens to MILFS, skinny to BBW.
-Most scenes are available in great HD as well as first rate 4K.
-Huge archive of 1112 videos and a photo set for every video.
-Thorough complete preview tour.
-Very complete preview
-Very responsive webmaster and excellent customer service.
-Top quality bonus videos for long members after 6 months.
Cons: -Not much ethnic diversity. Almost all models are white from the Czech Republic. This is to be expected from a European site.
-Too much use of toys which is a matter of taste.
-Nearly every scene has 45 degree camera angles for at least part of the video.
-Standalone site with no extras, but the archive is so big you may not care.
Bottom Line: The site describes itself as the masters of gaping. It is an accurate description but the name tells you nothing about the content.

What you get are videos and photosets of women gaping their vaginas, using fingers, devices such as speculums, dildos, and Magic Wands. Most of the content, videos and photos are very explicit and entertaining in an erotic way. For the most part the models get turned on by the scenes.

I don’t recall any sites that I could possibly fairly compare it to. Some photo sites can be explicit, but their videos are dull. Here the videos are the stars of the site. With an archive of 1112 videos and photosets, you get a lot for your membership.

I was expecting the videos to suffer from being formulaic, but that is not really true. In some there are toys, but not all. In some there is some masturbation, but not all. In some there are two women. Sometimes both gape, but in some the model remains clothed, but gapes the other one. There are no scenes that I know of that show explicit lesbian sex. Some are indoors, some are not. Some are even in a car. I found the best are the ones shot under a bridge. Many models are Czech, but some are not, and a very few are not even white. There are teens and MILFs, some are skinny and some are a bit large.

For the most part the models are first rate, well known seasoned prominent Eurostars. Some I recognized are Cindy Shine, Angel Wicky, Cristina Miller, Antonia Sainz, Alisha Mae, Jasmine Webb, Satin Bloom, Lady Dee, Victoria Sweet, Paula Shy, Lexi Dona and Angel Piaff,

Jasmine Webb and Alisha Mae are black and Cristina Miller Latina.

The performances seem to turn the women on. Sometimes you an easily see them getting wet and enjoying themselves. There is nothing left to the imagination.

Some videos are available only to members for a three month or more membership. They are added once a month and are absolute top quality.

The preview tour is open and very complete. The member’s pages are easy to use and uncluttered. There is no advertising.

Navigation is simple and I found no download limits or broken links.

The customer service is excellent. The webmaster answered my questions very quickly and politely.

Sometimes the download speeds were at a crawl, slow enough that some links timed out. I recommend that they need to upgrade if they want to grow.

The site is worth joining as I see it as close to perfect. However, it may not be for you as it is very explicit. I could not call it soft core.

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Review Replies (8)

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Msg # User Message Date


Loki (0) mbaya, thanks for the review. I too noticed the new download limit at PJGirls. I'm not terribly thrilled with it, but don't find it restrictive at all because I never use a download manager. It's not a limit on how much content you can download, but rather on how many connections you can make to the PJGirls servers in an hour. If you rely on a download manager, you'll find it restrictive, but if not, you'll literally never notice.

PJGirls staff wrote a post to all members explaining the issue, and laid out that too many connections from users were overloading the servers. They implemented the policy of 100 downloads in a hour to balance server usage for everyone on the site. I give kudos to PJGirls for good communications.

I don't have a very fast internet connection, and have never experienced timing out on PJGirls. It has at times been slow, but since the implementation of the download limit, it has been less likely to be slow.

I find it unusual that their webmaster was suspended from PU. Can anyone clarify why this occurred? I'm not familiar for what offences you can be suspended. They were suspended, but the site is still listed. Is that a reasonable reason to criticize the site? You obviously think so, but I cannot say because of lack of information.

Thanks for the good review. We differ in regards to the site's quality and you make a good case for your point of view in your review. Good job.

03-03-19  06:15pm

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Loki (0) I just spent a few minutes reviewing the webmaster rules for PU. I hadn't looked at them for the simple reason that I don't have any affiliation with any website.

It appears that there are two infractions meriting suspension, (1) that no incentives be given for reviews, and (2) any added text to a site must not ask or influence users to submit a review or comment with a specific agenda.

If PJGirls' webmaster violated either of these, they merit suspension, as without honest, impartial reviews PU is useless.

03-03-19  06:44pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Loki :

I don't know what to make of the suspension. I have never joined a site that had this happen before. It may be significant or it may not have anything to do with enjoyment of the site.

Thanks for the nice words, although I was a bit harder on the site than you were. I think it is a plus for PU to have differences of opinion.

03-03-19  07:47pm

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Loki (0) REPLY TO #3 - mbaya :

PJGirls is a one-trick pony. It focuses on very explicit gynecological views. I rated it based on how well it does on that basis. You come at the site with different criteria and explained your rating well. I liked your review a lot, and the differing criteria we use to judge the same site is what makes PU so valuable. You pointed out some really cogent points in your review that I hadn't thought about (like the camera angles), and I value seeing other opinions.

You wrote a good review. You might differ with me on how good PJGirls is, but that's what makes horse races, politics, and porn reviews. :)

03-03-19  08:32pm

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WebmasterMartin (0)
Hello mbaya,

thank you for your review.

The account suspendation at PornUsers was a technical fault. PornUsers were acquired by TheBestPorn and as a result a lot of accounts were disabled and TBP aren't sure why because they are still looking into the code. So I wasn't a naughty boy :-) PU just had technical issues. In the end I had to create a new account and they assigned PJGirls to my new account.

Regarding the site name - we wanted to have a domain name that is easy to remember and "PJ" was free, that's the only reason. It sounds probably stupid but we couldn't think of anything smart in the beginnings and also our content was slightly different at that time.

Regarding content - we try to offer what's requested. Most people want gaping, some want toys, a minority wants speculum or gyno and occasional fisting is also very popular. So in the end people are always happy about a vast majority of our videos and unhappy about only a couple of them. It's impossible to please everybody but we feel we've found the right mix.

Regarding models - Czech models are by far the most popular girls in the porn business (even American model agencies often hire Czech girls and even pay for their flights etc.) so I don't see that as a disadvantage. If we wanted to have foreign models we'd have to grow first, it's not possible for such a small site (we're just two friends maintaining this site - webmaster Martin and cameraman Jiri) to pay for flights or hotels of models.

Regarding search engine - it works fine. If you select just videos with blonde models, you don't get just the most recent page, you can continue to other pages too and the blonde setting stays set.

Anyway, thank you for the review.


Martin, webmaster

09-19-19  02:23pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - WebmasterMartin :

Thank you Martin. I would like to do a rereview. Please keep in touch.

09-19-19  02:47pm

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martinlongbow (0) anyone knows if there is an anal version of this site? anal gaping instead of pussy? i know inthecrack but it is not exactly the same.
12-01-19  02:09am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - martinlongbow :

ITC I think is the only one.
12-01-19  03:09am

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