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Visit Swallow Salon

Swallow Salon (0)

mbaya (0) 03-26-19  09:03am
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I see a price of $31.99 now.

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Loki (0) I loved Amateur Allure, and have been hoping to join Swallow Salon soon. But with the price hike (yeah, they upped the price $10/mo) I will probably never join now.
03-26-19  10:07am

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rearadmiral (0) When I first read your comment I thought that you must have made a mistake. Maybe you misread the price or maybe you got sent to a special link where the site sends people it doesn’t like. But I checked and, sure enough, you’re right. I even checked an affiliate site that offers discounts and lists Swallow salon as being available for $18 but when you go to redeem that discount the price is $32.

I was an early subscriber to this site and have been a regular subscriber ever since, having been a member approximately 10 times now. I’ve never had a recurring membership though.

Objectively and subjectively I’ve always found the site to be a bit overpriced and this new price makes that even worse. As you know, it’s an oral-only site and those tend to be cheaper to reflect the lower costs of shooting those scenes. Let’s face it, it makes sense that female talent is paid more to do a double anal scene than a blowjob scene. The set is just a gauzy cloth with backlighting set up in the same house where they shoot Amateur Allure. That adds no costs.

Subjectively, while I like this site I also find it repetitive. I also don’t like that the women usually stay clothed. The site really has a narrow focus on the woman’s face as she gives head and then swallows.

I can’t help but contrast this with another site though I realize this is an apples-to-oranges comparison. A unique site, in the true meaning of that word, is Hookup Hotshot. Yes, the same set is used in almost all of the scenes and it’s just the site-owner’s house. But these scenes feature a lot of unusual sexual activity and I’m certain that the female talent get paid handsomely to do these scenes. But even though the HUHS scenes have to be substantially more to shoot than the SS ones you can get a HUHS membership for $19. (Admittedly, there are some download restrictions for the first few months.) The site owner regularly offers discount memberships though. I have a recurring $10 monthly membership and will keep that as long as it lasts.

This brings me to my hypothesis that Swallow Salon is in a death spiral. The site is a bit dull and a lot repetitive. (I’m okay with repetitive if I like what’s repeated.) I suspect that they just aren’t getting the subscriber base they were hoping for and that requires them to raise the price to cover the costs. But that starts a death spiral where the higher price keeps customers away, which means the price needs to go up again, and so on until the site folds. I’m just an armchair porn producer, but it seems to me that a better recipe to try is to change the schtick a bit and LOWER the price to drive memberships. I don’t know that this is true but I suspect it is: I suspect that HUHS makes a TON of money every month even though their scenes cost more to make and they have a lot of members with $10 memberships because the site has a large subscriber base.

I really was hoping you were wrong though…

03-27-19  03:56am

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