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Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network (0)

Spankywanky (0) 05-22-19  02:11am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Beautiful models
Easy downloads
Bangbus is a classic
Found some hard to find models/scenes
Cons: Navigation is an absolute mess
Too many ad placements for a paid site (website only not on videos)
Too much emphasis to upsell
4k is extra
No picture sets that's not from a video. Looking for solo softcore pictures.
Bottom Line: What kind of idiot pays for porn? The kind of idiot that pays for download convenience. There are countless websites that allow you to download their stuff for free, however you get killed by spam ads, limited resolutions, slow torrents, unfindable scenes, etc. When you pay for a site like bangbros, you expect a clean interface but you are greeted with a terrible layout that constantly changes in an attempt to upsell you to pay for additional sites. 4k is extra money, but if they added it in the regular price it would distinguish it from the free sites that don't want to carry 4k. I haven't tried to cancel yet, but the poor interface and constant bombardment of strategic placed videos/ads to upsell you is a slap in the face to the poor soul that actually pays for porn. For a similar price to other porn websites, you can obtain more unique scenes, better interface, more updates, and exclusive webcam shows with famous pornstars that specifically address paid members only (no tip needed). Bangbros was very underwhelming with renewal unlikely. I would enjoy exclusive picture only sets, but they don't seem to have any pictures unless it came from a video scene. If they cannot beat the layout of free tube/download sites then what the heck is the point?

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) I definitely agree with your premise that the small number of us who do actually pay for porn should be treated like royalty. BB is among the worst in that their sites are like minefields in that one wrong click suddenly can land you with an unintended membership. When I occasionally join BB I use a pre-paid card with just enough balance on it to pay for the main membership to block any attempts to bill me for more.

Welcome to PornUsers. I hope you stick around and keep contributing.

05-22-19  03:47pm

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tangub (0) I'm surprised that anyone "looking for solo softcore pictures" (to quote from your review) would even consider wasting good money on Bangbros. Solo softcore pictures are my thing but Bangbros would never be on my radar in a million years.
05-26-19  03:13am

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