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Visit Defloration.tv

Defloration.tv (0)

mudman (0) 01-31-07  10:10am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -attractive models and fine photography.
-leader and maybe truly the only one in its group.
-quality vidoes.
Cons: -one update once a month at best. Way, way too little. You join and nothing happens.
-Photography is really good, but not enough by a long shot, and certainly very little as regards their theme.
-lay-out is okay. Easy enough to get around, but easily could be so much better. Feels like a nice idea, they don't really care that much about.
-only one video choice. So second rate it's not funny/
Bottom Line: Defloration.tv (there's also defloration.com listed, but don't expect anything but one and the same) is a nice idea and a true niche, but dances on the razor's edge of worth it. If you join, do it for a month and then wait 2 years. This site is nothing more than a means of selling dvds. If the dvds are like the site; then, if you must, save you money and be a site member for one month and one month only. Pass on the rest. The other option is to not join at all, and you won't be missing much.
-a shame really, but there's so much better out there.

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