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Ersties (0)

exotics4me (0) 07-02-19  03:38am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Interesting and unique site with real amateurs.
- Good mixture of body types from the female models, you also get a good blend of looks, they look like girls and women next door.
- Epoch through Paypal was the biller on mine.
- Cute look to the site, colors are easy on the eyes but see cons.
- Large amount of content for an amateur site but see cons.
- Some very good solo scenes.
- Most of it is believable as people having sex not just performing for the camera.
- Good download speeds (75-80% of my max)
Cons: - Pricing is strange, there is a $15 option if you join for 3 months and pay $45 total, otherwise it's $35 for 1 month.
- The navigation should have been focused on more than the visual appeal. I will explain in BL.
- This is a con of all amateur sites, some of the women are not attractive to me.
- This will also be in the bottom line, their numbers include interview videos that introduce you to those in the videos. Those will then have a part 2 with the sex in them. I would say it about any site that does that, it pads those video numbers to split them up.
Bottom Line: I was first introduced to Ersties by my girlfriend back in December 2018. She was very shy about porn. She is a female-positive blogger. She showed me Ersties and said, "This is nice porn". She only got away with that because of her cute accent. I read a lot of the very positive reviews and thought I would try it.

First things first, there is no $15 option unless you join for 3 months and pay $45. It is $35 a month. The site has a nice layout and color scheme. It kind of reminds me of a coloring book. Pretty, soft colors and little people doodles. You also can make your own cartoon avatar. Don't join it for that, you can search Google and do it for free.

I'm going to start with they have some really good solo scenes. The models are all over the place in looks. They have excellent video quality. You can download from 160p up to 1080p on all of the videos. There are some very attractive models. I really like the photos and they can be downloaded in zips. This is where my odd sides shows. Most of the pictures are tease and with some clothes on. I've been this way for a long time. I like seeing women in clothes in everyday situations. I would go as far as saying these are some of my favorite photo sets.

If they just had a solo site with these solo videos and photos, I would say this is a very good site.

That's where everything goes all to hell. Things that should have annoyed me with even the solo videos but had not, started annoying me. I picked two scenes out to show my biggest problem with this site.

I will start with Nina. Very pretty model, her pictures are really good. In the videos we have Nina part 1, it is 10 minutes of Nina talking. Then there is Nina 2 and it is just 2 minutes of Nina showing her tattoo. In Nina 3 she talks some more and takes her clothes off. In Nina 4 she finally masturbates. These stand out for a reason. Videos 1-3 have a total running time of about 22 minutes. Why are those split up? Many years ago, sites like Brazzers and Ox Pass (Bang Bros) split scenes up to get higher video count numbers. I said it was bullshit then and I will say it now.

The next scene is Sofia and Tay in Deflowered. I thought Tay was going to pop Sofia's cherry. He is the virgin. Kind of. Sort of. If it doesn't count that in his 14 minute interview he tells that he attends sex parties with men. And has much sexual experience. Besides that, this scene has Interview with Sofia, Interview with Tay, Sofia and Tay in action 1, Sofia and Tay in action 2, Post sex interview with Sofia and Tay. Five videos for 1 scene.

This problem gets worse. The navigation gives you 131 pages of 10 scenes each and the interviews are included in those. There is a model list but I personally did not know any of these models by name. The only sorting you can do in updates and models is most recent and alphabetical. They have this other tab called "Video search". There are maybe 40 tags. If the tags are accurate there is far more solo content on here than lesbian and boy/girl. I have seen this site advertised as "couples porn". According to their tags they have 59 boy/girl scenes, keeping in mind, most of those will have 1-3 action scenes. So, 20-30 boy/girl scenes. They have 535 tagged as solo. They have 296 tagged as pussy licking. I'm guessing the other 500 are interviews. I'm not exaggerating.

There are 131 pages x 10 per page, that's roughly 1,310 videos and those I listed the tags for only make up about 800. If the interviews were more interesting maybe I could see some of those being of use. We all are tough on sites that have too many interviews. I am going to just share the beginning of one of the interviews:
"What is your name, where are from and how old are you? What do you like about Berlin?" The one model answered that with, "I feel freedom in Berlin, like I have never felt before." Just stop.

It's like porn sites don't realize the problem isn't the person answering the questions. It's the robotic, repetitive questions that are the problems. Now I'm interested in what else they asked. You are welcome for the laugh you get from this. I skipped forward in the interview and the next question was, "What did you do before this?" The one said, "I want to get into the circus school." The other said, "I have tried different things, as well a lot with animals." Those are from the subtitles. I'm not touching it.

Like I said, it has good solo content and I will try to download as many of the photo sets as possible. Those interviews are not moving porn forward. ATK had interviews like these 15 years ago. The boy/girl scenes are not good. The lesbian scenes are okay and that is about it. The navigation really needs work. One of their pinned scenes is a woman with 4 men. The interview lasts 17 minutes. The sex of 4 men taking turns with her lasts 22 minutes.

The photos, video quality and solo content saves this site. I squeaked it 5 more points up to a 75.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) A very thorough and interesting review. You usually give higher scores than I would, so 75 from you means a lot to me.
07-02-19  08:14am

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Kody (0) When I read the first 3 cons I got super excited and already went to the site expecting that by the end of the review I would have joined a new amateur site. Then reading it until the end helped me save some money :-)

Balanced, honest reviews like this are what makes PU such a great community, thanks!

07-05-19  03:57am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

The sad part is after another week with it, I'm starting to think I shouldn't have gave the extra 5 points. I spent a lot of time going through a model list of models I had never heard of and realized most weren't worth the time of downloading.
07-06-19  09:22pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - Kody :

This is one of those situations where I wish the angry webmaster showed up and offered a refund! I think after this past week with it, I would probably lower the score to a 70. I was very positive and up about the photos. Most look to be self-shot which I like but a lot of the sets only have 8-12 photos in them. It's hard to view all the photos in a set too. They have a strange "rose" icon you can give to a photo so it has to not only load the photos but also the number of roses it has received. It looks like they were going for more fluff than substance.
07-06-19  09:26pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) I posted my review and four days later there is another review that appears.

It sounds very much like the other high scoring reviews.

You scored it at 75 and I did it at 70. You have many many reviews of sites that you scored highly, but not here.

There is a huge difference between your score and the high scorers. Strange.

Do you think they scored this site too high? Curious.

03-26-20  05:12pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #5 - Homegirl :

If I were to go back and reconsider my review of this site, my score would be even lower. I considered my 75 a fair score based on the photo sets I had seen. As I got deeper into the site the photo sets became shorter and not as good. I also was very frustrated with their method of splitting their videos up into parts and not doing it for any particular reason other than raising their video count numbers. A site would normally face major negative criticism for that. One of the members that reviewed it high also reviewed FTV Girls low and one of the cons they listed on FTV Girls was videos being split, yet they didn't count it as a con against Ersties.

Which is my point of Ersties splitting their videos for no particular reason. FTV Girls split their videos up as does In the Crack, to change locations, actions, outfits, Ersties split videos are just split to raise video count numbers. The newest review of it says in the bottom line, "They have interviews for each video- at the start, sometimes the end-" It wasn't that way when I was a member. They had full entire videos that were interviews. If you notice in that newest review besides saying the interviews are at the beginning or end of scenes, one of the cons they list is, "The number of videos is totaled including the interviews."

Which means the interviews are NOT at the beginning or end of scenes but are in fact separate videos also used to up their video counts. It's hard to believe someone that liked the site well enough to score it a 90 would contradict themselves in the same review by saying they are counted in the total then later saying they are at the beginning or end of scenes. If any of them or their site rep would like to disagree with what I've said they are welcome to. They don't realize all these positive reviews are drumming up attention. At least 2 established PU reviewers have told me they currently have 3 month accounts to the site.

03-27-20  07:10am

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