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messmer (0) 07-10-19  03:26pm
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Subscribed to Videosz and cancelled the same day!

I was disturbed to find out that Videosz is now associated with Bang.com. I am so scared of the past unethical billing practices of Bang Bros. that I don't dare use my subscription. One wrong click and I might find myself subscribed to a site I didn't want. They might have had a change of heart in the meantime but my fear of having to cancel account after account that I had never subscribed to runs too deep. They are more than welcome to close down my account which has over three weeks left. A shame since I used to love Videosz. All the promotional sales on the site turned me off as well.

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exotics4me (0) Hey M, good to see you around.

As hard as it is to believe Bang and Bang Bros are in no way related. Bang is a newer massive DVD site like Videosz. Bang and Videosz are owned by the same company.

Do you know who the biller was? I only ask because RearAdmiral and I had trouble with echst.net. They were billing for Bang last year and I wondered if Videosz is using them. Either way, their owners SCTR are a good company by porn standards.

07-10-19  04:58pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

Hi exotics, good to see you, too. I wish I had known that Bang.com and Bang Bros. had nothing to do with each other.

My intention was to subscribe to Videosz indefinitely because the price was right and I always preferred it to Videobox but when I got a full screen of Bang when I first signed in, my heart must have skipped a beat, because Bang Bros. billing practices had been so unethical in the past. Using their site was like going through a mine field. Click the wrong scene and you found you had subscribed to an unwanted site. Billing itself was horrible.

So, coward that I am, I sent a hasty cancel - cancel - cancel message. It took three emails before someone finally admitted: Okay, you will not be rebilled!

Finding a way to cancel was hard as well, I had to do it through FAQs then had my choice of five, or so, billers. Since I had not been notified by any of the known and reputable billers that I was now a member I clicked on echst.net and, bingo, here I was complete with subscription number. Why they don't send an acknowledgement I will never know.

Because of Bang's bad name (unjustified in this case) and because they had not sent said acknowledgment, I got above mentioned cold feet and bombarded them with email until I had my cancellation safely in my files! :-) I might look up Epoch or CCBill to see if I can re-subscribe through them since Bang Bros. is not Bang.com

07-11-19  01:34am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

Hi exotics. Just had a chat with ECHST.NET because they kept billing me even though I had cancelled my subscription. The outcome was unsatisfactory, I accepted the loss of the August charge and kept my unwanted subscription for this month. I kept a copy of the chat just in case there will be another charge next month. Sure looks like Bang Bros. practices.
09-12-19  11:29am

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