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garenne33 (0) 08-18-19  04:43am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: The customer "service" recalls that there are lots of other sites someone could subscribe to. Thus indicating that the site has little specific interest.
Cons: Some reviews mention there are DOWNLOAD LIMITS for this site, so I needed information about it and I contacted the customer service.
I was confirmed that there are limitations and that no more precision could be given because "that would be self-defeating".
As I tried to know a bit more, I was answered : "I'd just ignore this ignorant cunt from now on. He's obviously got an axe to grind, and not matter what we state he's going to make his own assumptions. Just going to block the twat."
Bottom Line: If you wish to be insulted this could be the customer service to contact.

I am sorry for the models whose image is associated with this charming "service".

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) Shocking that someone would be treated that way by a Grooby site. Grooby tends to me a very professional company that answers your questions without a lot of BS. I've never had any experience with this particular site of theirs, but I have had experience with others - they all delivered exactly what they promised. I'm not a 24-hour downloader, so I've never run against download limits or even known what they were on any of the sites that I've been a member of.
08-18-19  05:07pm

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garenne33 (0) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

Hi Pink Panther,

I only wanted to know what the download limitation was. If you think it concerns "24h users" (whom I am not) you already know more than I could learn.
I was refused ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE DOWNLOAD LIMITATION and I consider it most suspect, especially as the customer service bases its refuse to give any information on not being "self-defeating" : a very warlike view of customer relationship and service.
I shall avoid this site until they clearly indicate the extent of their download limitation and they can also limit the recruitment of people who ignore the basics of customer service.

08-20-19  07:34am

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