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Visit Next Door Studios

Next Door Studios (0)

merc77 (0) 09-01-19  10:01am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 09-19-19  09:56am  (Update History)
Reason: updated membership costs
Pros: -exclusive content
-4K videos for download and streaming
-low annual cost for much content
-updated a four or more times a week
Cons: -There are ads on the site which require you to click off
-Watch for cross checked sales when ordering
-Sometimes uses Screen Captcha for logging in
-The newer videos tend to be quite long and are of large sizes for downloading
Bottom Line: I joined Next Door Twinks and became a member of a network called Next Door Studios. They have a sale going on through Labor Day so I figured I would give it a try as they seem to have it going. This is one time it is not a mistake!

I had heard of this site before but figured it was just models from Active Duty doing extra duty at another site. Many do scenes here but so many more models are new and exclusive to this site. The videos are quite top notch and the models range from the teen twink to the muscle military up to Daddies and Bears (oh my!)

There are over 3500 videos as well as photosets for the collector. They are culled from 17 different sites all for the price of one. The site is easy to navigate and there is a forum section for members.

I was starting to give up hope on the state of porn sites lately. It seems they are all in it for the buck and are doing whatever it takes to lower their costs and up the membership fees. That means fewer updates for us porn lovers. Not Next Door as they are still updating quite frequently with at least four a week.

I did join during a sale so it cost me $35 for 90 days. Prices are $15 a month for streaming only although one can order streaming and downloading for $120 a year. I didn't find a monthly streaming and downloading price except for when there is a sale. This keeps the site from going over 90 as it is a bit expensive. Fortunately, they do have sales quite often (especially now for Labor Day). I joined at $35 for a 90 day membership which renews at $50 for 90 days. Not bad for what you are getting.

Update: I have found streaming and download monthly memberships are available for $35

I do think the annual membership is worth it as it breaks down to $10 a month. The updates are frequent enough the viewer will get more than their money's worth at the end of the year.

As stated before, the models are hot and range from twinks to daddies to bears oh, my! They have military types as well for those with a military fetish.

The members' forum is a nice touch as many sites have gotten rid of theirs. It is good to have a place where the webmaster communicates with the members to help gauge what is popular and what is not. It also is a good place to meet people who share your same love of porn but for a certain site. Sound familiar? Maybe they see Porn Users and realize it is a good thing to know the pulse of the subscribers.

Bottom line: This site is one of the few very good sites out there. Sure, there are a few pricing problems as many don't have $120 to spend for downloads. If they do it is worth it and also worth the wait for a holiday or other sale. Highly recommended site.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


merc77 (Disabled) REPLY TO # - :

I review sites as I join them. I don't think about the raffle when I write my reviews. This is a good site and it had yet to be reviewed. I know the raffle is a sore spot for you and I really don't pay attention to it.

I hope you resolve these issues with management as I like your reviews and style as well. We do need people to rattle a few cages now and then.

09-01-19  05:27pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - merc77 :

I sent you a personal email to an address from a while back. Lets stay friends. mbayarsky@msn.com
09-01-19  05:35pm

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