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messmer (0) 09-12-19  11:23am
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Bang is Bang Brothers in its billing practices!

I had been talked out of believing that Bang Bros. was behind Videosz now, until I checked my credit card. I had cancelled the same day I subscribed and after a lengthy exchange of emails was finally told grudgingly: Okay, you're cancelled!

And now I just noticed that the biller has charged me for August as well as September. Just got off a chat that took forever and the "best they could do for me" was to let me have this month because according to them I was already subscribed and then cancel after that. That's not what I wanted. I wanted a refund since I didn't bother going to the site for months. But they insisted on copies of all the emails we exchanged at the beginning of the original subscription and my email doesn't keep them that long. ECHST.NET itself does not keep copies so I was stuck with a compromise. Beware of ECHST.NET!!! Friends, don't be like me, check your credit cards regularly and thoroughly, a small amount can easily escape your notice.

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exotics4me (0) Messmer,

In my reply to you that "talked out of believing Bang Bros was behind Videosz".

I also said, "Do you know who the biller was? I only ask because RearAdmiral and I had trouble with echst.net."

Videosz still has nothing to do with Bang Brothers. Neither does the site Bang.com

It's the biller that is doing it and if you look up echst.net you will see they bill for all the Met-Art sites. They do not bill for Bang Bros.

I'm not trying to be hard on you, but I clearly told you about the problems Rear Admiral and I both had with echst.net. They are doing the same thing to you they did to us.

Bang Bros is known for forcing upsells during a membership not charging after you cancel. There are threads in the forum about the problems both Rear Admiral and I had with echst.net

09-12-19  02:45pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

Thanks for putting me straight on that one, exotics. I got biller and seller mixed up on that one. Because I had problems with Bang Brothers in the past and now had problems with them currently I somehow figured it was a biller of their own making. My apologies!
09-13-19  11:08am

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rearadmiral (0) I can confirm. I had several problems with the biller they use.
09-16-19  04:44pm

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