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Brazzers (0)

exotics4me (0) 09-16-19  01:28am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - One of the best-known pornsites in the world.
- If she's an American pornstar she most likely has a scene here.
- They have some sites/themes they really excel at.
- Nearly 2,000 models and nearly 10,000 scenes.
- Allows downloads unlike some of the company's (Mind Geek) other sites that require extra payment for downloads.
- Download speeds are good (75-80% of my max)
- Scenes come with video and photo sets.
Cons: - It seems they done away with all scenes prior to 2009. You can see them but you can't stream or download them.
- Lists 33 sites in your membership, 9 of those stopped updating before 2009, you can't download or view any of the content on those sites.
- Seven more of the sites haven't updated in 2 years.
Bottom Line: (Edit: 9/16/2019 after a member tip told me to try the videos from 2009 before on my cellphone, it is true, those old videos that can't be viewed or even seen on my PC, can be seen on my cellphone. It's not a big adjustment since I don't and won't use my cellphone for porn, but I will add 3 points to the score since it is at least still possible to see those scenes ... on your cellphone. I know a few members here don't have cellphones.)

Brazzers is a tale of two sites. Nearly half of their sites are not updating or do not have anyway to access the content on them.

The content they do have is good. They have relatively high productions values considering they are a budget-level network. I never have the problems with signing up or canceling that other members have. You just make sure to select no on the signup screen. It asks if you want to upgrade. They make the wording sound like selecting no will cancel your attempt to join their site. When you go to cancel you go to their Biller's website ProBiller and look around. There are options to cancel via chat, via phone call, via email, but if you look you will an online cancellation form that cancels it immediately.

It could and should be better and easier but I've seen worse.

The big con is the missing older content. You can open the old scenes (2009 and before) but you can't stream them or download them (8 sites). You then have 7 other sites that haven't updated since 2016. Even the updating sites seem to follow no schedule. One of my favorite sites on here is Moms In Control. It has had an update in September, one in August, two in May, one in March and the one before the March update goes all the way back to November 2018.

Despite these sites that aren't updating or can't be downloaded from, they still release 2 new scenes a day.

Doctor's Adventures and Big Tits at School are my two favorite sites on Brazzers and both of those are still updating with decent frequency. Big Tits at School is averaging one scene per month and Doctor's Adventures averages nearly 2 scenes per month. I join once a year and download the scenes from those sites, spend maybe a day looking at new models to see if there are any other scenes I might want and that's usually the extent of the time I spend on Brazzers.

They do offer good quality on their videos from 480p up to 1080p and their photo sets are real photo sets and not just screencaps. It's just there's a lot of extra nonsense going on. Each time you sign in, it offers you multiple sites they own as upgrades. You have to click "take me to Brazzers". On Brazzers main page they have upsells for their other sites all across the top of the page. You really don't know what all you have access to. I noticed their channel add-ons, which you can't even see a preview for are $59.95 each. Who's going to pay $59.95 for the Latina Channel?

It's the sad part about Brazzers. They can and have made some very good porn over the years but it just feels like they're not trying anymore and hoping for members to click on an add-on. I could explain that better. It's like the newer content is lesser quality than it used to be so maybe they're thinking you will add-on one of those channels or their other sites to get higher quality content. If you are new to Brazzers you can add 5-10 points to my score but for anyone that's been here much you're going to see a lot of your favorite sites no longer updating or a lot of your favorite older content no longer available to download. They had a lesbian scene between Lana Lopez and Ella Milano, believe it was on Hot and Mean, if you go to Lana's model page there are comments asking where the scene with Ella is.

I know they can do a lot better than they are doing.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


Eraroten (0) First of great review as always.

Small correction though, the scenes before 2009 aren't actually totally gone.

I still for the life of me don't know why they can't fix the problem so they work on browsers and ipads again etc. But they do work on mobile phones. At least I can access all older scenes on my android phone and only on my phone. Everywhere else these videos only show broken links.

09-16-19  09:24am

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #1 - Eraroten :

You know what? You're right. I never watch porn on my phone and never even thought to try it. I signed in on my iPhone and the old videos will play on it. I'm going to edit this into my review and add a few points to the score. It's still of no use to me since I'm not going to download porn on my phone then have to transfer it to my PC, but the content is there on mobile.

Here's the next question. Have you tried downloading it to your phone? I just used the streaming feature on the one I tried. I'm wondering if those files are just the very small resolution ones and that's why they don't have them on PCs/laptops. Good catch. And with you being able to on Android and I can confirm on iPhone.

09-16-19  12:58pm

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Eraroten (0) REPLY TO #2 - exotics4me :

Tried to download one of those old videos on my phone and it immediately pop ups a prompt to download a downloder/browser from the google play store. Downloaded it but it is filled with ads if you don't have a premium sub to it or whatever. So you can't download files on mobile chrome browser like it is possible everywhere else.

Brazzers probably has some kind of mutual deal running with that company so they force you to download it through their browser.

09-18-19  08:55am

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bigboi97 (0) Good review. I am a current Brazzers customer, and I am also a current porn addict. I expect the latter to last longer, much longer. Brazzers is a great website, but I fully agree with your review. It use to be such a better website. I have tons of Brazzers stored in my external hard drives, (oh yeah what you said about Lana Lopez & Ella Milano Hot and mean, that video I did not see before. I am searching for it now and I do expect to find it, I have 100s of videos on my hard drives with the words "Lost Porn" and I write that to remind myself that the source website deleted it. Brazzers not the only site to delete porn, most of them do. Oh what you said about old videos before 2010 working on mobile device, I did not know this previously. But I am happy to read your review, so the next time I come across a movie I want on Brazzers not working, the first thing I will do is check it on my phone to see if it works. Also this may or may not be useful to you. The old videos before 2010, you are right that most do not work on Brazzers. But some do, it's really wierd really. In my personal opinion, any video made by Brazzers before 2010, you have a 5-10% chance of it working on Brazzers. Easy way to tell, when you click on it. If it is working, you see play button. When you press download you can download. When it is not working, you see no play button. Off the top of my memory, one of the old ones that still works. "Alexis Texas, Aline & Delilah Strong - Asses for the masses - BigWetButts"

And one more thing, all of the old ones before 2010. Even if video does not work, you can download pictures.

10-12-19  10:07pm

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bigboi97 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Eraroten :

Thanks for your previous answer. I have just downloaded my first file using my phone, and then sent it to myself to be able to watch on my laptop. I can confirm the quality was low, file size was 145MB, video length 32 minutes, quality was 240p.

Now I will tell you two things both true about me. I am a quality whore. I am also a porn addict. So even though I prefer getting things in HD, and low quality does annoy me. I much prefer to have poor quality than to have no video. So yeah I will continue doing this from now on, I don't mind how long it takes I'm just glad I can get the file. I have loads of brazzers links in my bookmarks of old things I couldn't download from brazzers, and that I also could not find for free to download anywhere. Cause in my opinion, if you know where to look, most of these files can be found for free in 480p. But for the ones that I can't find for free, I will just use this method and keep the file in 240p.

10-13-19  10:12am

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ralfie (0) There is another way to download the low-res mobile version of the old vids which is less convoluted, but only slightly.

Go to one of the broken videos using your web browser of choice. Make sure you are on the "video" tab.

Now open the page html source (Ctrl-U for most browsers) and find "download/" including the slash. You have found the link to the download.

Now in the address bar, replace all text after "ma.brazzers.com" with that link and press enter.

e.g. If in the html source the link is "/download/####/2/mp4_352_600/", then the download link is hxxps://ma.brazzers.com/download/####/2/mp4_352_600/

#### will be the id of the vid.

I hope this does not violate the "no url pasting rule". I obfuscated the vid id for this reason.

03-29-20  03:00pm

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