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Visit Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media (0)

rollingrock (0) 10-26-19  05:48pm
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No downloads -- beware

Just subscribed to Mile High Media only to find out there's no download provision. Contacted support who claimed they were "working on it as we speak". Not sure if I believe that. I asked if I could get my subscription extended by the time needed to fix, and they said no.


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pornenthusiast9 (0) MileHighMedia has changed so much since I was last a member, it's terrible now. There used to be downloads with no limit, now there seems to not be any downloads what so ever. They also removed the site ''Cherry Pop''

Super disappointing. Their content isn't anywhere near as good as it used to be either, and I have noticed that videos that were on the site during my last subscription have since been removed...very odd. It's like this with a lot of GammaEntertaiment's sites now.

10-28-19  11:17pm

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rollingrock (0) REPLY TO #1 - pornenthusiast9 :

Thanks for your comment. Did you re-subscribe very recently? Upon logging back in I was presented with a 'legacy user' box and a 'new user' box, with new users being those subscribing after Oct. 21. That makes me suspect the difference is that new users like me can't download.

I know these guys are doing whatever they can to prevent people from pirating, but no downloads is simply a no deal for me, and I suspect for most others. That's probably why they give no real indication about it, and as far as I can see there's no way to upgrade for downloads.

One reason I posted this here was to hopefully get some response/clarification from their webmaster, as I've noticed sometimes they do actually respond here. Let's see ...... ??????

10-30-19  12:05pm

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pornenthusiast9 (0) REPLY TO #2 - rollingrock :

Yeah, I just got a new subscription the other day. I always make new accounts to sites instead of reactivating an old one since I always use discount links.

It seems Gamma Entertainment may have potentially changed ownership since a lot of changes have been going on with all of their sites fairly recently. They used to have the best sites I've ever seen at good prices. Now their content has dropped in quality and so has their value with the no downloads.

Take another one of their sites ''Blowpass'' (used to be called ''MyXXXpass'') for instance, they used to release very professional looking content that was shot with very nice cameras with multiple angles a couple years back, now recently all of their stuff is very amateur looking with bad angles and the quality isn't as good. Same story with Reality Junkies, very strange.

I have no idea whats going on with them. Also, the whole ''preventing pirating'' with the downloads is somewhat understandable, but I can't see it working in their favor as they are alienating the few people who do pay for porn from their sites by removing downloads. I've seen other sites attempt this before and it never lasts long.

10-30-19  03:47pm

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pornenthusiast9 (0) REPLY TO #2 - rollingrock :

Looks like the downloads are back, but at an additional cost.
11-01-19  06:01am

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rollingrock (0) REPLY TO #4 - pornenthusiast9 :

Yes, I see that, thanks. They still don't specify things before you sign up, which I think we both agree is counterproductive for them in terms alienating people who are actually willing to pay for porn.

I guess we need to put in a notice to 'The Best Porn' as to this change to their terms of "service", so they can update their review.

11-04-19  10:55am

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