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RagingBuddhist (0) 11-23-19  07:28pm
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Selling email addresses

I was going through a bunch of pictures, sorting, renaming and filing them, when I came across a screenshot I'd saved. If you aren't familiar with Yahoo's disposable addresses, it allows you to use a prefix followed by anything you want to add. For example, XXXXX-pornusers@yahoo.com . Well... when I used to sign up for Yanks, I used XXXXX-yanks@yahoo.com . On top of everything else I don't like about the site, it seems they're selling information.

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) Hey RB,
Most of the time this is the biller. I see one here I don't recognize. I see Epoch and CCBill both of which don't sell information. I also see Netbilling. Is this the one you used?

11-28-19  08:40am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

Now that I think about it, you're probably right and I don't remember which biller I used. If there was a choice, of course I'd go with Epoch. If I'm wrong, I guess it's a bit unfair to call out Yanks for it, but no less unfair as their recycling pretty much all of their content.

Yep - I'm lashing out at a site that was one of my Big Three - the sites that I'd go back to time and time again.. It's garbage now. Guess I'll be called rude and wrong again when they see this comment.

11-28-19  09:38am

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mbaya (Disabled) There is a big difference between being rude and being wrong. I hope they see that.
11-28-19  09:50am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - mbaya :

Well, I was rude and wrong here: https://www.pornusers.com/replies_view.html?id=100721

So I guess it'll be the same here.

11-28-19  01:30pm

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