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Visit Braless Day

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TONNNROX (0) 11-28-19  09:35pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - All content is 1080p, even the oldest videos dating back to 2016.

- Clips are edited well, sometimes they're slowed down to increase run time but its never distracting.
Cons: - Expensive! Compared to network sites, you're getting very little content for what you pay for. A clip is uploaded every couple days but they vary in length, often they are only 2 or 3 minutes long.

- Despite listing 'Beachsome' content on the main page, you're only getting the latest 25 videos and archived content from 2016 and 2017.

- Website is cumbersome to navigate. 5 of the 7 categories outside of City and Beach (Extra, Welcome To, Events, Interviews, and Paparazzi) have very little content and are updated once a month, or every couple months.
Bottom Line: - I do NOT recommend this website. I don't plan to reactivate my account after my first month because there simply isn't enough content to justify the price.

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