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rearadmiral (0) 12-07-19  08:18am
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The domain is dead... Uh oh

The site hasn't been available since December 1. Going to the site brings up a Go Daddy page that says the domain expired on the first of the month. I wonder if it will be renewed? The site owner had a meltdown on another forum after some people complained about the diminishing quality of the scenes and he cut off contact on that forum. The site had evolved quite a bit in an extreme direction too as members asked for more pissing and puking - and the site delivered. I wonder if the site ran into some legal problems because of that. Also, there were several recent updates that used a male talent other than the site owner and that drew a lot of criticism too.

It looks like the site could be dead.

I have an active membership there and will report back here if anything changes.

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malikstarks (0) Sucks, especially since you had a memembership. I figured this was very popular site. I doubt there were legal issues, especially with sites like facial abuse out there.

The site owner may have just gotten fed up and needed a break. I wouldn't be shocked though if he moved his content to a site like manyvids. Some mainstream sites are starting to do that. But I suspect he'll be back, he's sitting on a treasure trove of passive income if nothing else.

12-07-19  09:28am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - malikstarks :

All valid points. Your thought about moving to manyvids or clips4sale could be exactly it. I wonder how that would work for him though. His site seems massively popular, as you note, but if the videos went to a pay-per-scene model would he lose revenue because he'd make more money per sale but get a lot fewer sales too.

Your point about legal troubles is also likely correct. HUHS is rough but there are far worse sites (for pushing limits) out there. Facial Abuse is definitely one of them. Assylum and Slave Mouth are others. Then there is really rough stuff on manyvids and clips4sale.

I really, really, really hope that the site comes back. Not just because I have a membership but mostly because I really like the site.

12-07-19  10:11am

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rearadmiral (0) The crisis may have been averted. The site seems to be back up.
12-07-19  10:54am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

I'm getting a "website comming soon" message, but yeah I figured it was temporary.

As to my other points, I believe that for the top producers, the c4s model is making them more than about 70% of the mainstream sites out there. This is just from observing the heavy discounting you see for so many sites basically year round and the intense competition in the mainstream space.

That bald dude from "Primal" (c4s) consistently has like 3 stores in the top 10 on that site, and his videos are expensive. He books the same mainstream talent as big boys, male and female.

12-07-19  01:51pm

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

I'm getting a "website comming soon" message, but yeah I figured it was temporary.
12-07-19  02:01pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - malikstarks :

On another forum someone posted some information about the domain name. It looks like it was just an oversight. He's lucky someone didn't snap it up though.
12-08-19  07:29am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

If you can email me the name of that forum I'd appreciate it,it sounds interesting. Not if its a file sharing site though, I don't want to get you into trouble with PU.
12-08-19  09:11am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

If you can email me the name of that forum I'd appreciate it,it sounds interesting. Not if its a file sharing site though, I don't want to get you into trouble with PU.
12-08-19  09:11am

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pat362 (0) Maybe Bryan forgot to renew his domain but the strange part is that he still hasn't mentioned anything about it on his twitter feed or the one associated with HUHS and I would assume that he would try to calm things down by telling members that the site should be back up within a certain amount of time. In fact if you were to only follow him on Twitter than you would think that everything is great because he is currently promoting a recent shoot.

I've also noticed that he doesn't shoot that much anal content anymore and I wonder if it's because of money which doesn't bode well for his fans or his fans prefer to see less anal and more piss.

12-08-19  10:32am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #9 - pat362 :

I'm assuming that it was a simple oversight on his part. he must be pretty busy as his site is mostly a one-man show and he's got a huge following.
12-09-19  08:06am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #8 - malikstarks :

It isn't a file-sharing site so you don't have to worry about that. I've included a link to the last page of the thread. Bryan used to be active on the thread but a few people annoyed him with some complaints and he hasn't been back. He is active on his own site's forum though.

I'll give you this on one condition - you need to keep being active here! The two forums (TBP/PU and ADT) are quite different and each have their own strengths.


12-09-19  08:09am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #10 - rearadmiral :

It may be but here's what I know. He uploads a new scene every seven days so even if he takes a couple of days off. That still leaves him 5 days to book talent, shoot a video, edit said video(I don't think there is a lot of editing in his videos) and interact with his fans.
12-10-19  05:00am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #12 - pat362 :

Yeah... I suspect he's got a pretty good life!
12-10-19  03:24pm

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #11 - rearadmiral :

Thanks, I'm actually somewhat familiar with that forum, but wasn't sure it was the same one. I may finally register now though, I like the idea of being able to interact with creators, however limited it might be.
12-12-19  06:19pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #14 - malikstarks :

There are several producers/director/stars who post there regularly. I don't think there is anything special about that forum over what we have here, it's just that here we're more about site information rather than the personalities themselves.
12-13-19  03:34am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #15 - rearadmiral :

Yeah, here you could say we have less interaction but potentially more impact because of the review aspect (not really in practice but potentially), although I personally haven't done a review in like a decade.
12-13-19  09:27am

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