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Visit Naked News

Naked News (0)

Jakeman (0) 01-01-20  10:21am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: Some of the women are very pretty and fun.

Many of the stories are interesting. If you like naked women and are looking for 'not hardcore' but a site that has some actually useful information, the site can be quite good.

Their fishbowl roundup is fun, depending on who is in it.
Cons: Used to be an awesome site but it's gotten really old and stale. A lot of the women have been on there for WAAAAAAYY to long and rarely do they retain women who they audition.

There are some good anchors but if you like this site or not seems to orbit around if you like Laura Desiree. She's really tall, while still moderately attractive, getting long in the tooth, and dominates the show.

When she came onto the show she immediately became a producer and it's gone downhill ever since then---unless you are a fan. It's really become the Laura Desiree show and no longer the Naked News I used to love.
Bottom Line: Some of the segments are great and some of the women are great. They are beautiful with great personalities and the site can be a lot of fun.

If you like Laura, you'll love the site. If you don't, she'll wear you out.

I'd check it out to see if you like it. Then, I'd move on and wait to see if the makeup of the staff changes. Otherwise it's pretty boring.

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