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rearadmiral (0) 02-07-20  03:29pm
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Very low download limit

Regent's earlier review noted that there was a download limit and I can confirm that it's alive and well. I joined yesterday and after downloading 9GB my download speeds dropped from 65+MB/s to around 200kb/s. This throttling remained in place for 24 hours.

This evening I hit the limit at just 7GB of data.

I'm generally okay with download limits as long as they're reasonable, but in my opinion, having a sub-10GB limit in 2020 is most definitely NOT reasonable.

The throttling does not affect streaming. I've been on other sites that have a limit and you get locked out of the site completely while you're in member purgatory.

I'll post a full review in a week or so.

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) That limit sounds bad. That and the high price.
How is the content? It looks very interesting.

02-08-20  10:16am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

I LOOOOVE the content. So far I've been concentrating on downloading the European models and Kristen Scott. I'll dabble in the Japanese models too, though I'll probably sort those by specific niche.

This is one of the better sites I've joined in a long time. Part of it was the surprise as I really didn't know what to expect.

I really, really like it.

I always try to join sites through TBP/PU so they get the referral fee but I was on my tablet when I went directly to this site first and the price was around $20. I checked through here and the price was higher. I then checked using another browser (so any cookies wouldn't be an issue) and saw a price of $45. I joined through my tablet to get the lowest price. This wasn't a referral service either - it was just a straight internet search. I have no idea why there is such a variance in prices.

If you can find the link for a $20 join I'd highly recommend it. But, remember the DL limit. That is a pain in the ass.

I was billed through Vendo. I've used them before and haven't had a problem.

02-08-20  03:47pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Thanks for your answer. I am sure that I would like it as well, but the price is out of my range.
02-08-20  05:09pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - mbaya :

Clear your cookies and Google it. You might find the $20 deal I got. It's definitely worth it at that price.
02-09-20  08:16am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

Thanks for the advice. I cleared my cookies and saw some links, but did not see a discount come up.

I might consider a network for that price, but not a standalone.

02-09-20  11:03am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - mbaya :

I'm with you that the price you're seeing is too expensive for a stand-alone site. Maybe try on a tablet or a phone. I saw the $20 subscription that way. It's a long shot but it may work.
02-10-20  02:33pm

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