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Cum Perfection (0)

BoyWithaProblem (0) 08-31-20  08:36am
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CumPerfection now Streaming Only

I'm sorry to report that this is now a Streaming Only site. The website says this is spunknetwork.com policy, which presumably includes the very popular related PureCFNM sites. Perhaps the owners think this will make them more profits in these hard times, but personally I never join (or else return to) sites that leave me with nothing beyond memories when my membership expires.

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rearadmiral (0) Streaming and the rise of pay-per-scene sites like Only Fans and Many Vids are definitely going to change things for us used to traditional subscriptions. The pandemic will only hasten this.

Like you, I avoid streaming-only sites.

09-01-20  03:01pm

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exotics4me (0) I don't think it includes Pure CFNM. The site is still allowing downloads and if you're not a member it advertises "downloads and streaming" on the main page. Spunk Network isn't a site, it's an affiliate cash program owned by Pure CFNM.

See link

09-02-20  07:28am

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BoyWithaProblem (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Traditional 'paid-for' porn has been fighting a losing battle with a growing sea of free stuff for years. I'm sure this has squeezed profits. Add to that a new global recession/depression that will shrink cash available for non-essentials like porn. Meanwhile, many younger people see all media (music/video) as free by right and will never pay anything, witness what Napster etc did to the music world.

It seems to me that porn is increasingly supported by an ageing population who once bought their VHS Videos or DVDs, and still now pay up for downloads. But we are being edged out by a younger generation with different attitudes. Against this, we have this new idea that those still buying porn (not torrent file sharing or password cracking) will put up with just 'renting' our porn and being left with nothing afterwards. Well, I expect to see that pendulum swing back towards downloading/owning, for those studios still around to repair their folly.

09-02-20  01:06pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - BoyWithaProblem :

"It seems to me that porn is increasingly supported by an ageing population who once bought their VHS Videos or DVDs, and still now pay up for downloads."

Sadly Sir, this does describe a few of us here. :-)

I hope you're right that there will be a swing back to paying for porn - and that porn is available to download. I see myself more as a collector than just a user and I suspect that also applies to many of us here. Collecting and curating are part of the hobby for me.

09-03-20  04:08am

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BoyWithaProblem (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

Yes likewise I see myself as a collector. I've never illegally shared anything, and it's hard not to see these streaming/rental restrictions as attempts to restrict illegal activity. But the irony is that those intent on downloading the content to share still can do, albeit with a fair bit of techy effort. So the younger subscribers won't be stopped from ripping off the content the pornsites seek to protect, just the older generation will, being probably less tech savvy and more honest.

I think the pendulum will swing back due to simple economics. Like putting up your prices in a declining market, streaming only means squeezing harder the shrinking pool of customers you still have, who then shrink some more and must be squeezed harder still. This is not the business model of the Companies that conquered the world (Amazon, McDonalds etc) so I can confidently say they'll not pursue streaming-only for very long.

09-03-20  11:09am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - BoyWithaProblem :

I hope you're right. I'll subscribe to sites with downloads as long as I'm able.
09-04-20  07:58am

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