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Visit The Upper Floor

The Upper Floor (0)

marcdc1 (0) 09-16-21  05:26am
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Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - email alerts for when your favorite star/site updates
- Includes access to over 34 sites each with its own focus
- 50 "channels" with limited access to other sites' content. I've had good luck finding new sites to join based on these samplings.
- Over 500 videos each video about an hour long.
- Videos 1280X720 approx 5 mb/s. Videos typically run about 1 hour
- great production value. As part of the kink.com family, there's never a time when you don't see good action. Camera work and direction are tip-top
- Allows download managers
- Casting seems to be top line professional. But if you look in the background (and sometime in the main shoot) there are what I assume to be local members of the kink community. I find that very hot
- Billing by rocketpay
- scenes are rated and you can heart them. I like this because I can then mark the ones I've already viewed/downloaded.
- tags help you find more of what you like
Cons: - pix available as .zip files
- Some of my favorites (and it was hard to pick) were:Lauren Philips (they say redheads can handle more pain - she seems to be an example!), Aidan Starr is one of the main doms and she is hot as hell, Dee Williams (I love the MILFs), Penny Pax (red head and MILF). In short the talent is always good and the scenes are always hot. It's unusual to find a bad shoot)

- zips are available for pix but they are small sets. Typically less than 50
- download limit but it doesn't say what it is
- "Partners" means you sometimes find content that's for sale on an outside site
- Expensive (but high quality)
- Occasionally I feel like the camera is panning too much - but I'm really being nit-picky here.

- Last update was June 2020 I'm willing to bet that's covid related. To pull a shoot like these off with Covid protocols must be a mess. I'm sure this site will be back in time
Bottom Line: I love this site. Shooting gangbangs is really hard (well or so I imagine anyway). This site and the ameature CathyCreampie.com I think do it the best of anyone. I seldom feel like I'm missing out on good action when the camera moves on.

I don't think there's a better BDSM site than kink.com and I think the upper floor is one of the top 5 sites on the network.

Action centers on a sub or two need to be challenged and prove herself. It's always hot seeing the dynamic play out. There's normally side activities that can just have hot as the main attraction

I thought about throwing down a 100 because when it comes to gangbang BDSM I think no one does it better (even with the competition within the network I think this site does it best because they make it hot without making it over the line - for me - a very subjective call to be sure.)

In the end, I decided that the lack of new updates and the historic inconsistent updates kept them from a top score. But the whole kink team should be proud of this site. It is truly top-notch.

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Review Replies (8)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) Good review. The only thing that is missing and you may not be aware is that the site is dead now. It more or les died about the same time Kink lost access to the Armory. The Armory is where all their videos were shot and that includes UF videos. I think they tried to find another set after loosing the Armory but that didn't last long.

In fact I would argue that you don't join modern Kink for new content but because they have a huge library of amazing content which sadly for a guy like me who was a long time member. I already have all those videos so no longer join Kink.

09-19-21  10:58am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Somehow I missed (or blocked the memory) that the Armory shut down. Now that you say it I see the stuff on their site has changed I just figured that was pandemic related. I didn't think much of it because I know Kink.com is very safety minded.

That stinks. Are they in a new permanent home or shooting in different sets?

09-21-21  01:42pm

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Eraroten (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Yeah unfortunately I too only sub to the site for a month when it is on sale for 10$, and basically only for their great archive of old scenes. New content is way less exciting.
09-26-21  05:07am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - marcdc1 :

They initially said that they would be shooting new content in Nevada after they left SF, then they changed their mind and shifted to a licensed-content-only model. Kink.com no longer produces any new content at all and, unless they change their business model, they currently have no plans to produce any new content at all - everything on their site that is new will be licensed from other porn producers until they change their business model.
09-27-21  08:38pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - marcdc1 :

They initially said that they would be shooting new content in Nevada after they left SF, then they changed their mind and shifted to a licensed-content-only model. Kink.com no longer produces any new content at all and, unless they change their business model, they currently have no plans to produce any new content at all - everything on their site that is new will be licensed from other porn producers until they change their business model.
09-27-21  08:39pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - marcdc1 :

I don't think so. They did try to shoot content in different locations after they left the Armory but I don't think they realized just how much of a part of Kink the Armory was so most post Armory scenes often don't have the same feel as pre-Armory scenes and the finish product isn't up to par as well.

The Kink of today is barely a shadow of it's past self and to me it's really dead. The stuff that I always joined for is no longer made and hasn't for many years which sucks because I loved so many of the things they used to shoot.

10-03-21  10:58am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Eraroten :

Yeah but do you still have to do that because that's a dead site now. There last update was about 18 months ago and I don't expect to see much if anything new because that content required what the Armory offered and it's very difficult to recreate eslsewhere.
10-03-21  11:01am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #6 - pat362 :

That's so sad. I guess I was just chalking up all their solo and repurposed content to covid. That sucks. Kink was an all-time great.
10-04-21  03:20pm

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