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Visit Marcus Mojo

Marcus Mojo (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 12-03-21  08:22pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Advertised as the Next Door Male, quite handsome, athletic and clean-cut.

There are 127 scenes with most (100+) involving more than one guy.

I admit I prefer solo scenes, but these are some of the best gay sex scenes I have watched. There’s at least some theme to the scenes which I have noticed is rare in gay porn.

Navigation is good, the tags are useful, but I still question why a gay site needs a “gay porn” tag.

The pictures are good. This is one of the first gay sites I have seen with downloadable pictures that focus on the guy’s body.

The videos are downloadable with 75% having up to 1080p. The early 25% have up to 540p downloads.
Cons: Group sex in porn, whether males or males and females, rarely works because there are not enough cameras, or I don’t have enough eyes. The group sex scenes on this site have that problem.

No longer updating (has gay porn died?)

Not as much story as there should be. The story is playing out, but they could easily make these scenes more interesting with more dialogue.
Bottom Line: To start with, Marcus Mojo fits the “next door” image. He’s clean-cut, more of what I would call cute and unlike most porn models, he’s not even that greatly endowed. Someone would probably disagree with that, but it’s why I like the pictures. You can tell more about what you’re looking at when it’s not moving. He looks to be 5.5 to 6.5 inches. I even like the themes of the scenes and it’s why I am not being as focused on just solo scenes. There are only 18 solo scenes on the site. The themes mostly are in the athletic, sports theme, including jockstraps, two athletic guys in a gym changing room. Am I the only female that thinks about guys doing things with each other in the changing room? It couldn’t just be a female thing.

I do want to mention the pictures a little more. I hope that gay sites take note of this. A guy having sex on video is no different if it’s a male or female that he’s having sex with. Things are still flopping around; things are disappearing in holes and there’s not enough focus on the “things”. The pictures allow the things to hold still long enough to be admired. There are also 60-100 photos in these zip downloads.

The videos are downloadable with the majority having two small/mobile resolutions, the 480p and 540p resolutions, plus the HD 720p and 1080p resolutions. The videos are not long enough with most being under 20 minutes, but I attribute that to the basic themes/stories the scenes have. There seems to be a stressing of “we are rushing so not to get caught” to the scenes. Like they’re really not gay and are just having a fun time with each other before leaving the gym.

A compliment I won’t say a lot just because it’s a little lewder than I would go into, the cumshots are one of the most impressive parts and that’s a positive and negative. I find myself fast-forwarding to those. That could be my preference for solo males showing. The cumshot is one of, maybe the most important parts of the solo scene.

A site like this, I try to be fair and give a straight female perspective on what is marketed towards gay men, can be good for a straight female. There is enough variety in the setup of the scenes to give you the feeling of it’s not repetitive. There are threesomes (all guys), there are solo, there are one on one and there a few more than three guys scenes that have just too much going on to keep up with.

This would, I think, appeal to both gay men and straight women. There aren’t a lot of twinks in these scenes. The tags only list two scenes with twinks. These are more athletic, masculine men than most gay sites have on them.

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