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KayTBuffs (0) 12-08-21  02:25am
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: The first time I’ve seen a gay casting site. It has his plusses and minuses.

There are 76 scenes that feature a short interview, some solo play, then some sex.

The video quality is very good. All 76 scenes have up to 1080p downloads.

The interviews can be too much information or interesting. A very different vibe from female casting videos.

Has at least one part I will talk about later in the review that is a major turn-on for me and I think for other straight women.
Cons: I don’t know if they stopped updating or the Covid problems possibly halted production of these scenes. I mention Covid only because these are supposed to be amateur male models. I assume most pro models are tested.

One thing I will never find sexy is a male stripping and teasing like a stripper.
Bottom Line: This site has a feature that I see as a major turn-on. It really could just be one for me. The guys start off dressed and walk into an office. They are not aroused. The difference in the grow-er and show-er dick. That is fascinating for me to see and watch. Some of the guys drop their pants and underwear and look to be 2-3 inches at most, within a minute or two, they have grown to 5-7 inches. There’s a lot of turn-on in that for me. I don’t have the same turn-on with the show-er type. You also get at least some masturbation at the beginning of the sex casting part.

The interview can be interesting. Some of the guys say they are really bisexual. Others talk about when they knew they liked guys. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t seen gay casting before that makes this so interesting to me? I am used to female casting sites where the questions tend to be, “When did you lose your virginity? How old were you when you started masturbating? What is your favorite position?” These interviews are going into topics I can’t say I have even heard gay men I know talk about.

The sex in the scenes doesn’t seem as genuine as in the sex in the scenes on their other sites and that now makes me question female casting videos. These gay casting videos seem more like the casting director is trying to really see what the aspiring model can do, while female casting seems to be more about the casting director just getting sex.

the site stopped updating right around the time Covid became a pandemic. I hadn’t even thought about the possibility of how a casting site with amateurs could be forced to stop. I don’t know if pro models stay tested so it’s not a problem but bringing someone in off the streets into an enclosed office and exchanging bodily fluids would make the risk even higher. This is a site I would like to see continue or some other site to try. The interviews are interesting, even the too much information ones.

I don’t think this site would convince anyone to join the network, but it is the only time I’ve seen a casting site for gay porn. With the getting to watch the grow-er grow added, it made it a site I liked.

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