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KayTBuffs (0) 12-08-21  02:35am
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Gay site that involves bondage, domination and some impressive bodies.

Updates once per week, the site has 375 scenes on it.

Most gay sites are going to interest me with solo scenes, this one has 0, but this does seem to be a different take on gay porn than I’m used to.

The newer scenes have 4K, 1080p, 720p, 480p and mobile versions of the downloads.

The realization, after reading scene comments, there are as many aggressive gay porn fans as straight ones.
Cons: The realization, after reading scene comments, there are some gay porn fans completely disgusted by the idea of a woman watching gay porn.

The titles of the scenes read like poor Erotica quotes, “Cum Breed Me”? Really?

Tries way too hard to establish dominance and submissiveness without using real human nature. There’s a therapist inside me.
Bottom Line: More so than any other site on this network, this one is filled with combative comments from the members, and it reached the level, for me, of making it unappealing. This reminds me a lot of the Kink Men sites. These scenes are the most creative I have seen in gay porn and there is the establishing a role which you rarely see in porn. The first problem for me was there are no solo scenes. Reading the comments kind of made that clearer to me. There were a lot of comments about wanting to see real gay chemistry in the scenes. That’s not going to happen in solo gay porn. If gay porn fans are having problems enjoying scenes with multiple men having sex, they probably don’t enjoy solo men either. That’s why it hard to find solo gay men porn. I guess I need to branch out to transsexuals.

The scenes on this site almost all revolve around establishing a role. There is bondage, there is even physical dominance and you get the ones with the guys who like being the submissive and I can only think to say, those scenes are cute. It’s cute watching a man be submissive and seductive. I did notice the one solo model I liked a lot was receiving a lot of hate. Maybe I’m sensing that he’s not really gay and the gay fans don’t like him. This site does show some of the technological advances of the network. Most of the sites I have reviewed on it are not updating. This one is and it is once per week and they have up to 4K on the newer scenes. It just looks like gay solo porn has died.

These scenes have some appeal to me. Some of the guys are very attractive and I think the roughness and aggressiveness of the scenes are shooting those testosterone levels up and you’re getting to some very impressive erections. I don’t have as much interest in how the scenes play out or end. This is not good porn for a straight woman. The scenes I watched showed more of a love/fascination with each other than I am used to seeing in gay porn. I’m not for sure if that’s what gay men want either. I know that I like softer hardcore in male/female porn, but I don’t have interest in seeing the male and female seem fascinated with each other and in love. I will recommend this site to gay men. I won’t to straight women. I will also it has made me think twice about gay porn unless I know there are solo scenes. There are only so much nice bodies can cover. Some of these guys are more obnoxious than the straight guys that we normally associate with being obnoxious. Not my cup of tea.

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