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Visit Class Blowjob

Class Blowjob (0)

Alybator (0) 02-05-22  11:04am
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Comes with three other sites in the Sensual Girl Network

Very beautiful and glamorous models showcased very well

Every video is at least High Definition

One of the best blow job sites I have ever been a member of

Twenty six of the 137 videos have two or more models
Cons: There is no mention of the dates that new videos are being posted

Only six updates are Full High Definition and none are in 4K
Bottom Line: They should have called this site First Class Blow Jobs as that is exactly what you get here. Everything about the videos is close to perfect for me and I believe most women would agree. Wow.

The models are a mix of professionals that I have seen on other sites, to first timers and pretty much all of them look great. The ones I have seen before on other sites look better here and I credit the way the site showcases their looks. All of them are white and I am pretty sure from Eastern Europe. They don’t talk and I know enough about porn to know that is a clue as to where they are from. There is not much of a mix of ages or body types, but the models here are among the best of the best in porn of the last few years. The guys look a few years older, but the small age difference is not played up. They are mostly fairly good looking and these women get them really hard. The focus is not on the guys very much, as they are just there so the women can take advantage of them. In some cases you don’t see much of the big head, but the little head is what I joined for anyway. The guys don’t seem to mind being an object of pure lust, but in contrast the women get very enthusiastic about doing the deed.

I liked that in nearly every scene there is ball play and a lot of attention is focused on them. I have found many guys in real life are a bit, let’s say squeamish about being touched down there, let alone being licked. Here I would say there is a lot of worship of the family jewels. Additionally, although I did not mind it, there was also a lot of rimming going on too. Not my favorite sex act, so consider yourself advised that it does happen. At least I can say that it is done rather enthusiastically, so it is good to see models having fun together.

The cumshots are big enough, no complaints there. In nearly all cases you get to see them in all their glory with the screen filled with nice visuals. There is some cum swallowing too and it seems very satisfying as a conclusion to what happens after such enthusiasm.

I liked the scenes that had two young ladies in them. Twenty six videos were not enough for me, I want more like that. They took turns, shared licking together, cum and in general were terrific fantasies that I think many women would like to watch. Speaking of fantasy, the camerawork and the style of presentation create a fantasy for the mind as well as the eye.

As much as I liked the content, I think the website itself is in need of a makeover. I did not see any scene descriptions of more than a few words, such as sweet swallow or dong lifter. Those sound like interesting tee shirt slogans. I recognized some of the models, but the site does not credit who is in the scene. As some are advertised as first timers, I assume they mean on camera, I would like to follow their careers after the ones they did so well here. I can’t help but wonder if any of these first timers went on to be big names in the industry.

The archive is fairly good sized with 137 videos of at least HD quality, as well as photo updates. I thought the photos were not much, but I admit I don’t care about photos anyway. Besides all this, it is part of a four site network called Sensual Girl. The other sites are Oldje, Class Nudes, Class Threesome, which has two women paired with one guy as an unusual focus. The main site is Oldje, which is one of the best, maybe even the best, to focus on older men with much younger women.

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