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Visit Ladyboy Glamour

Ladyboy Glamour (0)

Alybator (0) 02-08-22  06:12pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A very important site that I think people could learn from. It’s not that great of a porn site.

There are only 97 scenes and most of them are 10 years old. There is a use for these scenes.

A look behind the scenes with some of the scenes being called behind the scenes. Keep in mind, these are ladyboys.

Some of the scenes are solo masturbation my favorite in transsexual and ladyboy porn. Those are longer scenes.

The scenes seem to reach their highest download resolution at 720p. The scenes are clear enough to get the point of the scenes. There is an erotic side to these scenes.

The scenes show a less sexual side and more of the prettiness of the ladyboys.
Cons: It’s not porn except for the masturbation scenes. The good part is there are more masturbation scenes than the very short behind the scenes videos.

It's not updating. I don’t know that I would classify all these models as ladyboys. Since it’s called Ladyboy Glamour, I expected all Ladyboys. A few of these models look more like European or Spanish transsexuals.
Bottom Line: This site is probably the last reason anyone would join this network unless they are into solo masturbation. There are some very good solo scenes on the site. One of my all-time favorites called, “Garden of Eden” featuring the model Lekila. That is a ladyboy that has implants that look as real as any implants I have seen.

This site serves a purpose of showing the ladyboys and transsexuals in a less than sexual way. Which is almost always how they are shown or portrayed. You can really pick up the feminine personalities. The feminine voices. You can tell they are like us other females, trying to look pretty. I believe that is important to the transsexual community. This does go into transgender. The only thing masculine about the models is their dick. The newer scenes on this site are more focused on the behind the scenes parts. It shows the models getting dressed, getting their makeup put on and being feminine. It’s interesting for me to watch as a female. I start to realize they’re more feminine, in a lot of ways, than I am. One of the ones is upset that her Chanel shirt doesn’t fit well and doesn’t do a good job of showing her natural hormone-produced boobs.

Once you add the masturbation scenes, for me, it’s a very good site. I believe it takes more guts for the ladyboys to masturbate. Their dicks are usually not very big. One even says her balls are longer than her dick. Most of these ladyboys look to be in the 2-4 inch range in length. They often do not reach a full arousal even if they cum. That is a reminder their hormones are not masculine. I find these models cute and pretty, feminine and overall, attractive. This shows them how very few sites ever will. If it was a site with female and male models. The getting to know and what goes on in the mind of, isn’t that interesting. These are models that are unlike the majority of models we see in porn. I don’t think I would call it educational. They are masturbating in most of the scenes. I would have liked to see more focus on photos even. There is butt plug play. Pierced bellybuttons, some of the best looking boobs you will see in transsexuals or ladyboys. I believe that is what the site is going for. It’s showing how feminine these models are. I think this is funny as a female. They’re not happy about their lipstick color. Or they want a cuter piercing for their tiny bellybutton. It’s such a unique site. I don’t think there is another site that shows transsexuals or ladyboys like this. It’s sad that they stopped updating years ago. I am looking at one as I type this. Her name is Mosiny. She has nearly perfect boobs. I believe those are implants, at most those are 32-34B maybe. Her thighs look like a female with her legs open. She has one of the smallest dicks I have ever seen. I’m not for sure she’s much over 2 inches even when aroused. She has her pubic hair nice and trimmed. She’s more interested in using a butt plug than playing with her dick.

I know it’s not for everyone. I do think everyone should watch one of these scenes. It’s not often you get to call porn today – unique. You can this site.

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