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KayTBuffs (0) 02-09-22  06:53am
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Alternative, tattooed, rebellious, sounds like my college years, except for the tattooed part.

This is a large site with 1,544 scenes but take note: It has not updated since mid-November 2021. That is two months. It was averaging two scenes per month. There have been none over the last 2 months. I don’t know if the site is now dead or not.

The newer scenes can be downloaded in 4K.

If you like hardcore porn, you will probably like this site a lot. Including hardcore lesbian scenes. Which is unique to me. You don’t see really hardcore lesbian scenes on a regular basis.

Bondage, BSDM, gags are all featured in different scenes.
Cons: It’s not updating. That is a newer problem. The last update was on November 14, 2021. I have kept up with this site for several years. I wouldn’t be surprised if it starts updating again. They seemed to be going through some changes with the types of scenes. Maybe it’s just temporary?

I believe the lesbian scenes really stand out as good. The rest of it is going to push a lot of boundaries for people. It’s quite hardcore and rough.
Bottom Line: My original interest site was based on the fact that I was kind of alternative, rebellious young woman in college. I never did get into the tattoos. I think the star of the site, Joanna Angel, is really sexy. I had enough reason to like the site and keep up with it. I won’t talk too much more about the sudden stoppage of updates. If/when it changes, I will update the review or post a comment. Right now, it has been over 2 months since the last update. There was a change going on. The site adopted a theme of having 3-4 scenes that followed a similar story. I believe overall, the site is a definitive hit or miss site. I don’t believe there’s much middle ground for porn fans. If you dislike tattoos, the site is pretty much out for you. If you don’t like hardcore porn, the site is pretty much out for you. They’ve not found a happy medium. The lesbian scenes are even much more hardcore than we expect from two or three women.

The quality is there. They have up to 4K downloads. It’s not as hardcore or polarizing as Kink Network. It’s close. You have to throw in the tattoos. The majority of the newer scenes do take a more BDSM, bondage, gags, whips style approach. I believe that is hit or miss. I don’t mean the person swinging the whip. I really like the lesbian scenes on this site. The reason is, I have never had a lesbian encounter and there’s a part of me that believes this more hardcore style is what it would really be like. I’m not at liberty to discuss psychological and therapy topics. I do know there is a certain level of physicality in lesbian relationships. That and Joanna Dark keeps my interest on this site.

Some of the lesbian parts I have noticed: There seems to be real sub/dom tension between the women. Some of these women are not regular porn stars. I haven’t ever seen some of them on any site. The lack of an established role leads to very intense sex. It’s as if each one is trying to establish their dominance over the other. They do not leave out the parts you would expect from a lesbian scene. There is passionate kissing. You can see the escalation of emotions. The women’s bodies even react how their bodies should, between hard nipples and very wet lower regions. There is a realness there. It is why I don’t like BDSM between a male and female. Physically, the likelihood of a female being dominant over a male is just not that likely. If he’s an establish sub and likes that role. That more understandable, but it loses that tension. Someone needs to make a purely lesbian site where neither woman is the established dominant one. That is something porn lacks.

That is the strong point of the site for me. It’s enough reason to keep up with the site. I do have problems with believability in porn. Having a site where I can see and feel the tension, it fixes the believability problem.

The rest of the scenes are standard harder than normal hardcore. I’m surprised how long some of the scenes are. The people are going at it at a fevered pitch. They’re lasting 40 minutes. As a viewer, I believe that loses some of the enjoyment. It becomes punishing to watch. That is the hit or miss aspect for me. Hopefully, the site will return to updating. It is not the first time the site has had a layoff. They were shooting some scenes as self-shot to avoid the Covid restrictions. It could be anything has delayed the current updates. My recommendation is based on my own experience. If you can find certain styles of scenes on this site that, do it for you, it’s a really good site. I don’t think anyone will like all the styles of scenes. Maybe takes a little patience.

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