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Visit Virtual Real Porn

Virtual Real Porn (0)

standard02 (0) 02-07-23  06:22am
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Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Huge site with lots of clips
- Searchable by names
- Multiple video download options
- Epoch is an option for payment
Cons: - Can be repetitive
- Site layout leaves a lot to be desired
- Actress' name isn't always in title of clips
- Resolution doesn't always seem to make sense, but that's probably a limitation of time and best effort
Bottom Line: A pretty great virtual reality site that has been around for a while. My complaints are few and it's worth the entry price if you have any interest and the ability to play virtual reality clips. The biggie and the one that gets the most accolades: NO DOWNLOAD LIMITS, and thank you for that. It seems like that is becoming more and more rare, and it seems more and more absurd. I get people wanting to protect their intellectual property, but when you actively discourage paying users from getting the clips they signed up for they won't be paying users for much longer. Well done, VRP.

You can choose from multiple formats depending on your device. One of the more interesting is a format designed to be used with Skybox, a PC to headset streaming technology. IIRC the format is .VP9 or something similar (working off of memory here so please forgive me if I get the extension wrong), and it's a smaller size than the traditional .mp4 formats. For most of the newer clips you'll be spoiled for choice depending on your device and the resolution you want. For older clips the choices will be more limited, of course.

I doubt it needs to be noted but the videos are pretty much all going to be 1+ GB, and most probably 4+ GB. Be aware of that going in. Speeds are good, but file sizes are pretty big.

Download managers sort of work. You can set them up and they'll run for a while, and then some downloads will fail and some will complete. I'm fine with that tradeoff of iffy download managers in exchange for not having to babysit each individual download or worry about a download failing midway through and that preventing you from re-starting because you've technically gone over your download limit even though you didn't download the clip. Did I mention there are no download limits and how refreshing that is?

I'm not the biggest fan of the video layout. There's best, most viewed, top rated, and hottest. I guess I'm old fashioned and like to sort by date since subjective ratings like "best" and "hottest" are utterly meaningless.

Bottom line? Good site and worth a try if you've got the interest.

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