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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

ClosetPeeper (0) 04-12-23  12:52am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Lots of pretty European teens and 20-somethings
Videos are downloadable and are high quality.
More than 20 sites included
Pictures are downloadable
Most niches covered
Softest hardcore porn you will see
Good price
Unlimited downloads.
Navigation works flawlessly
Cons: The acting and voice dubs take away fron otherwise great porn
I can’t understand what they are saying
Bottom Line: There’s not much surprise with this network. The models are extremely attractive and I imagine they are the biggest selling point. Being a female gives me a little different view from males and my perspective is different. The guys in the scenes just are not attractive to me. It’s true, the males are not that important to the scenes, but they can become distracting and annoying. That happens on their network.

Teen Mega World may very well touch on every niche in straight porn. That could be a negative as the hardcore scenes are rarely that hardcore. I have noticed the European sites seem more focused on just the looks and not the weight. The network is easy to use and search.

The models are probably 18-24 in age, but I am sure there are exceptions. That is a plus and minus. I do prefer seeing young, fit models, but that’s a difference in European and USA porn. The acting ability or lack thereof really dampers the scenes that are dependent on story and chemistry. Neither of which is easy to see since the language is different.

I do believe this network takes liberties with the network name. Despite having over 20 sites and having been in business for 20 years, The overall numbers are not that staggering or at least not as much as I would have expected. That leads into a “con” that I cannot prove, but feel like it’s easy to see. The scenes seem very planned out and the female models just look like they’re going through the motions. It does detract from the realism and believability of the scenes. Is it all a fair tradeoff for the pure beauty and attractiveness of the models? I would say yes. Their looks and bodies are by far the most interesting and important parts of the videos.

None of this should be viewed as negative. Porn is made great by sexy models. It is the one major deciding factor. To me, it’s set up that way. Lack of English, lack of story, is perfect for a site that has models who are this attractive.

An easy recommend, but just be aware of knowing you’re not going to get much beyond looks. The video quality and photo quality is good enough. The update schedule is good enough. The price is almost always good enough. Fun and sexy network.

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