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Visit Only Tease

Only Tease (0)

HairyPotter (0) 06-08-23  01:42pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: The best of tease porn.
Also comes with the Only All network.
Softcore photos and videos.
You can download videos and photo sets.
Only Tease, by itself, has over 5,000 videos and 16,000 photo sets.
Professional site with mostly amateur models.
Cons: There’s nudity, but not so much vulgarity or hardcore.
The search needs updated.
Bottom Line: Only Tease is one of the eight sites you receive with an Only All Sites subscription. The other sites are: Only Opaques, Only Secretaries, Only Satin and Silk, Only Costumes, Only Sportswear, Only Melanie and Only Carla.

The most important word in any or all of these sites is, “only”. They’re not just using that word for effect. If it says “only Secretaries” you’re going to get a whole lot of secretaries. It is a level of discipline you rarely see in porn. That presents one mental hurdle. There’s little room for your imagination. Even though nearly every scene leaves something to the imagination. The discipline of the sets/scenes/sites tells you nothing is going to happen other than the word following “only”.

My favorite and first fetish was panties. My name even shows it. I always liked seeing young women with hairy pussies, in panties. Only Tease is a good blend of the different niches in tease porn. Their other sites that are included with the Only All Network are even more narrowly-focused. That’s why Only Tease is my favorite of the network.

Nudity is included; but it is not a major part of the content.

Despite not being true porn, the content is presented, often, more erotically than hardcore porn sites do. Besides having a narrow-focus (secretaries, Costumes, Opaques, etc ) there is a focus on making sure nearly every photo and pose is sexually provocative. There’s not going to be the feeling of “I’ve seen this before”. The word, “formulaic” only should be used with Only Tease when saying you’re going to be teased. Only Tease’s producers will utilize any and every method to tease the viewers. It is what makes this site great. And even in a league of its own. Tease is the objective; it can be done clothed or nude or semi-nude. This becomes a major strength. It’s why there’s none of the content is formulaic. You will be teased, but you do not know how until you watch the scene. Regular porn shoves hardcore sex on the viewer in every scene. There’s no intrigue or anticipation.

Besides all the positives I’ve talked about, these sites also believe in high quality. Their videos can be downloaded are HD quality. The photo sets can be downloaded as zips. The navigation is simple and there are new, steady updates coming in.

There then is the pro no one may think about. You get to avoid all the annoying aspects of traditional porn. There are no “hard cocks” or “pounding pussies” on the site. You won’t hear every model try to convince you of how dirty she is, “I’m a naughty girl” or “I like big cocks”. These women convince you of how dirty they are by getting into your imagination which they have to use to make clothed or semi-nude porn even work.

The biggest con I see Is attempting to convince incredulous others that yes, nudity is part of porn, but it’s really not required.

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