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standard02 (0) 07-07-23  04:22pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Epoch was an option for billing
- Large network with lots of videos/photos
- simple navigation
Cons: - Still very focused on the "thug life" fantasy aspect, but I guess that's the fantasy for a lot of users
- Download limits
- Comments are probably a fetish pay site unto themselves and shouldn't be shown by default. Ugh. Don't overshare, guys.
Bottom Line: If you've been around for any amount of time you've seen or heard of these guys. Blacks on Blondes, Blacks on Cougars, Gloryhole.com, etc. They've been around for years and, in addition to having one of the most disturbing names for a network, have a lot of content and genres.

You'll run across sites that aren't updating any longer because I assume the star has retired (Ruth Blackwell comes to mind), but their main sites are still updating regularly and offer streaming and multiple resolutions for downloading their videos. There is supposed to be a pay-per-movie 4K option if you want to purchase one specific download for one specific movie, but I never pursued that. There are also photo zip files if that's your thing.

Overall it's a good network with lots of sites and options, but be warned that they push the stereotypes pretty hard. I guess that's a fetish or whatever, but yikes.

One thing that is fun to discover is that the sites/network are old enough that you'll find actresses at the beginning of their careers in works that you might not have seen before. The flip side of this is that there might be an actress that has re-appeared after a certain amount of time and the comparison to both time frames can be interesting.

I hit download limits occasionally during this subscription as well, regardless of whether I was trying a download manager and set to one at a time or if I was just pressing "save as" on my own. At some point a screen would come up telling me that downloads were disabled because they had to be sure I wasn't a bot or something similar.

At the time I was a member each additional 4K movie appeared to be pay-per-video, and that could add a significant cost to the site. If you were a completionist or wanted the best quality of a particular actress I could certainly see the appeal, though. I think the other reviewer had mentioned that there were some hiccups with the 4K purchases, so check to make sure things are working right if you're joining specifically with that in mind.

Overall recommended.

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