Status: |
Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: |
2 updates every week on Monday and Thursday
Lots of smiling in the photo sets - I like seeing happy girls
BOTD Archive - still accessible for free off the legacy site ( - updated daily, 15 beauties are rotated through
Lifetime memberships are offered
Navigation and site layout has been updated to match the style of MA (although the old legacy style is still available)
Site response is generally quite good - good download speed, good refresh from page to page, etc.
Picture quality is superb
More girl-next-door types here
Lots of nature sets, because nudity is natural, and nature is natural, so what better place to do your first nude photo shoots than in nature? These do seem to be the first photo shoots for a large number of these models.
The emphasis is on beauty, not sex. The girls are beautiful and the settings are beautiful.
The site uses TLS 1.2 so passwords, etc are secure in transit
Part of the Met Art network – customer support is superb |
Cons: |
Only two updates per week
Pictures only - no videos
Price for monthly is up to $29.99 (it’s not hard to find discounts to $19.99), even though the legacy site still mentions $9.99 as the price - and the price is the same whether you join from the legacy site or the updated version. There typically also sales for all the sites in the MA network around holiday times (like Valentine's Day) for $9.99 - so definitely look for those.
Most girls have only a small number of photo sets (like one or two or three), so if you really like a girl you may not get to see that much of her
Model info is really minimal here, and in many cases non-existent.
DOMAI started up in 1997, but very little of the pre-2005 content is available
Very little striptease action, which goes along with the idea of “just the nudes ma’am”
The emphasis is on beauty, not sex. This is a very tame site. |
Bottom Line: |
Some stats:
1533 Models
161 Contributing Photographers
3916 Galleries
Long one of my favorite sites, I’ve been a member of this site for years, and ponied up for a lifetime membership in 2017. The focus here is quite simply pictures of beautiful nude women. In fact the founder of the site referred to the philosophy being “simple nudes”, and that is still the governing idea here.
While full nudity is throughout the site (most of the sets the model is completely nude starting at picture 1, so not a lot of striptease here), Domai sticks to the tamer side of things. In fact, a few years back, the original founder of Domai (Eolake Stubblehouse) added a sister site called Goddess Nudes to allow them to show more private parts.
There is a lot of overlap between Goddess Nudes and Domai, with some sets appearing on both sites and only a couple of pictures added or removed. Since both of the sites have been acquired by Met Art, the sites appear to be a little more distinct than in the past, but even Goddess Nudes isn’t remotely hard core, and Domai is no longer afraid of open leg shots.
There are 3 other sister sites in the Met Art network that are very similar to DOMAI – Erotic Beauty, Goddess Nudes, and Errotica-Archives. Each of them now updates twice a week, and there is considerable overlap between the models and the photographers. They are also not nearly as distinct from each other as they used to be when they started out. It’s also not unusual for a set for a girl appearing on one of the sites, and then a bit later a second site will pick up the same set, although with a slightly different selection of photos
The Met Art network offers lifetime memberships on all of their sites now, usually priced at $500 to $800 per site. It only seems to be available to you if you have already joined one of the sites, but once you do, you can sign up for a lifetime membership for any of the sites in the network. Obviously it’s pricey, but if you really like one of the sites the idea of paying once and never having to think about it again is attractive. Plus it’s not that hard to rack up $500 in billing on the pay-as-you go plans if you really like a site. They will also throw in a 1-year membership to a second MA site with any lifetime subscription. And then you no longer need to madly download material before your month expires, and you can spend more time just enjoying the sights. |
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