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Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes (0)

John (0) 02-03-07  05:55am
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Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Maybe the biggest interracial archive on the net
- Featured material is exclusive and quite various.
- Video quality is high and scenes also come in one-piece only downloadable files
Cons: - New movies are somewhat not really interesting
- Site design is terribly old-fashioned and heavy
- Some of the girls that are advertised on the homepage are not actually featured in the site
Bottom Line: Blacks on Blondes used to be the best, biggest and most followed interracial site on the net. Between 2000-2004 it featured most of the best and most famous interracial porn chicks around. In the last few years, though, after a new wave of reality-style interracial sites have emerged BOB's importance in the interracial scenery has diminished, and the guys who run the site started a sudden wave of changes in their style to adapt it to the new trends.
If before the average movie was focused on showing very hard sex in expensive Californian houses with little dialogues and little staged parts (if any), now the main focus is in creating pretending-to-be reality situation with unlikely dialogues.
The quality of the sex, also, has strongly declined, and anal is now rarely featured.

What I find more obnoxious in this new style is the dodgy and explicitely fake reality style. Porn is itself fiction, creating a further layer of (very bad quality) fiction on it just makes everything just not as appealing.
If in the old BoB style making interracial movies was about showing well-endowed black men fucking white girls with their incredible stamina, now it's only about white girls saying "Your big black cock is so much bigger than my white boyfriend's cock" or stuff like that for most of the movie, even when they should just shut up for God's sake.

These comments apart, BoB is still a fairly good quality interracial site, well worth a 1 month subscription.

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