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mr smut (0) 12-27-07  10:39am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: - 5-7 updates on 6 days per week.
- high quality pics in 1024 x 1536 resolution (only very older content is in lower res available).
- ZIP files for all series.
- download manager friendly.
- forums for registered user (the owners and some photographers are regular guests).
- very user friendly all mail will be answered
- best model search I've ever seen on an adult site.
- navigation is easy and as far as I can say it's 100% perfect.
Cons: - few things could be improved like having a calendar of future updates (currently you have to visit the model's page to see coming attractions).
- On the "Recent updates" page thumbs are only shown for the last days update.
- more users could join the forums but that has nothing to do with the site itself ;-).
- videos could come in greater resolution but overall quality is o.k. with me.
Bottom Line: I initially joined because of Andie one of the top rated models there and my all-time favorite. Lucky enough she came back for more sets because the owners listen to their members voice. That is true for other models as well.

With more than 220 models (December 07) there's enough content to give you lots of different choice to spend your time surfing for porn. New models are added on a more or less weekly basis.

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