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Visit Beach Hunters

Beach Hunters (0)

polacrilex (0) 01-12-08  08:07pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Lots of Video Content
Very Easy Navigation
Updated Often with Lots of Content
Cheap and Long Trial Period
Newer Videos are High Quality
Decent Download Speeds
Pictures are Zip
You can Download different video formats(avi, mp4, wmv)
Cons: Video Editing is Horrible
Video Clips are Redundant
Older Pictures are Screen Captures (poor quality)
Some Videos are Set-Up (fake)
Videos can be Too Short
Some "HD" videos aren't really HD
Very few pussy close-up videos/pics
Bottom Line: If you are into casual public nudity and public sex then this site offers the most content for the price. There are about 110 pages of video clips with about 40 videos per page and 80 pages of pictures/screen captures, also with 40 sets per page.

You can download the videos in 3 different formats (avi, wmv, mp4) or stream them (except for HD videos). The pictures are available in zip files and sorted by date. In all there is a lot of content here, especially for first time subscribers.

The downfall, however, comes with how the content is presented. In some cases you get 15-30 seconds of a particular woman, and then in other videos (mostly the sex on the beach kind) you get 10-20 minuets. Also, a decent amount of the updates are continuations of previous scenes. There is one couple on here that appears in about 20% of the sex videos. They obviously swing a lot, but man how many times can you show them!

Also, the editing of the clips is horrible. You may get 5-7 seconds of one woman and then it cuts to another woman and then back to the first woman. It is annoying if you like one of them and not the other. Finally, some of the videos are fake (i.e. fake public sex or fake changing rooms). This takes away from the other "voyeur" content that is real and many of the members post complaints on the forums about this.

But when taken as a whole this is probably the best nude beach site on the net I have found. It just needs variety of content and better presentation.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


polacrilex (0) It has been over a year since I signed up for this site. As an update I would like to add that the site has not changed much (I recently signed up again). They have made no effort to improve it. In fact, they continue to push movies with HD aspect ratios but not HD resolution as HD video--its not. The picture section continues to be but mere captures of previously released videos. What's funny about that, is the captures are of the REAL HD resolution video that they do not make available for download. Finally, many of the clips continue to be way too short, with some as short as 8 seconds. Basically, they have taken clips that normally would be about 5 minuets and split them up into a bunch of short clips to make it appear they have more content. In reality it is just plain annoying. Also, they have either stolen or bought old footage from jackass-nudebeach.com and split the video up into about 45 2 min clips. In short, the site has not improved its flaws pointed out in my original review. Too many short cuts are being used to limit bandwidth used to increase their profit margin instead of improving the quality of the site to attract long term subscribers. For this reason I would lower my original score to a 72 and say that the BEST nude beach site anywhere is ilovethebeach.com.
07-12-09  09:06pm

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TheMoreYouKnow (0) This review says it all. I was a member in 2013 and nothing has changed in terms of quality in content and the incredibly poor editing distribution practices. Would score them a bit lower though just for the editing alone.
06-05-14  02:31pm

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