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Thaeral (0) 01-13-08  09:24pm
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Surprisingly Good

I've only just subscribed to this sight, mostly because of SnowDude's review. At a glance it's really not at all my cup of tea, so to speak. I'm not heavily into competitive sports - I've never been a fan of wrestling. Generally, lesbians/bi-sexual interaction between women isn't a high-ticket item for me.

I've watched 4 of the more recent matches - avoiding the ones where the comments point out that one of the newer ladies really was just letting the other lady have her way with her. I'm totally addicted to this site.

I don't know if I have the skill to write a review, but I felt I should comment. The people behind this site have basically created a female wrestling league with a sexual twist. Most of the women have been involved in more than one season (they're up to 5), so most of them are very serious about the wrestling. But they're all very sensual women - so they love the sexual side of it, too. Most of them are really trying and in the end have a great time whether they win or lose. And most who do lose seem very driven to do better next time and really want to come back as soon as possible.

It all feels very genuine which is very different then every kind of other porn out there. Some of the women clearly didn't know what they were getting into and appear to just be waiting for it to end. But most of them are really wrestling and fucking and having a good time doing it. It's more than just porn - it's hybrid sports. Try it, I think you'll be surprised.

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Comment Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


jd1961 (0) Well written comment! Is it true they have a 10GB a month download limit?
01-13-08  10:25pm

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Thaeral (0) REPLY TO #1 - jd1961 :

They could, but I have yet to hit it and honestly doubt that I will. I don't have a really good broadband connection to have the ability to leech that much content in that amount of time.

If I did, I wouldn't let that stop me from subscribing, though. I'd rather see what I've seen and then get pissed at hitting a bandwidth limit than to miss what I've seen and move on to some cookie-cutter site.

01-13-08  10:35pm

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Thaeral :

I have a fast connection, but I have been in some good sites with slow servers so I know what you mean. When it comes down to it, it's quality that matters. I have gotten used to speed though!
01-14-08  12:35am

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #1 - jd1961 :

Personally I've never hit it, but I won't be surprised if they do. As most of really good sites, kink.com has technical stuff who're not on par with content to put it mildly. See my comments about their login system, which is one of the most annoying ones in the industry.
01-14-08  09:50am

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #1 - jd1961 :

In the spirit of redundancy - I figured I'd spread the word far and wide: None of the Kink.com websites have monthly download limits.

There have been enough questions about this I contacted their support guys and got a response from a customer support person named Elmer:

"We do not have a download limit for any of our sites. Enjoy downloading!"

So we can all go and download worry-free!


01-14-08  05:44pm

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